Thomas, à Becket, Saint, 1118?-1170
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1118?
Death Date
- 1170-12-29
- Saint
- Christian saints
Birth Place
- Cheapside (London, England)
Associated Language
- Latin
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-192
- Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-192
- Alan, of Tewkesbury, active 12
- Annalen van Egmond
- Anouilh, Jean, 1910-1987 Becke
- Aubé, Pierre, 1944- Thomas Bec
- Barlow, Frank Thomas Becket
- Baronio, Cesare, 1538-1607 The
- Benoît, de Sainte-More, active
- Berington, Joseph, 1746-1827 T
- Berington, Joseph, 1746-1827 T
- Bigelow, Melville Madison, 184
- Bigelow, Melville Madison, 184
- Brodie-Innes, J. W. (John Will
- Brown, Paul Alonzo The develop
- Bushell, William Done, 1838-19
- Chalendard, M. (Marie) Saint T
- Compton, Piers, 1903- The turb
- Corfe, Tom, 1928- Archbishop T
- Corfe, Tom, 1928- The murder o
- Dalena, Pietro Da Canterbury a
- Dark, Sidney, 1874-1947 St. Th
- De Hamel, Christopher, 1950- T
- Duggan, Alfred Leo, 1903-1964
- Duggan, Alfred Leo, 1903-1964
- Duggan, Alfred Leo, 1903-1964
- Duggan, Alfred Leo, 1903-1964
- Duggan, Alfred Leo, 1903-1964
- Duggan, Anne Thomas Becket
- Ellendorf, Johann Otto Thomas
- Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536 Pil
- Franklin, Robert Thomas Becket
- Froude, James Anthony, 1818-18
- Froude, Richard Hurrell, 1803-
- Giles, J. A. (John Allen), 180
- Giles, J. A. (John Allen), 180
- Greenaway, George William The
- Guernes de Pont-Sainte-Maxence
- Guernes de Pont-Sainte-Maxence
- Guernes, de Pont-Sainte-Maxenc
- Guy, John, 1952 November 17- T
- Hutton, William Holden, 1860-1
- Hutton, William Holden, 1860-1
- Knowles, David, 1896-1974 Thom
- Knowles, David, 1896-1974 Thom
- Loxton, Howard Pilgrimage to C
- Martiri
- Milman, Henry Hart, 1791-1868
- Morris, John, 1826-1893 The li
- Morris, John, 1826-1893 The li
- Neal, David S. Canterbury Cath
- Nederman, Cary J. Thomas Becke
- Nederman, Cary J. Thomas Becke
- Nordahl, Helge, 1927- Menneske
- O'Reilly, Jennifer, 1943-2016
- O'Reilly, Jennifer, 1943-2016
- Ozanam, Frédéric, 1813-1853 Tw
- Pain, Nesta, 1905-1995 The Kin
- Pain, Nesta, 1905-1995 The Kin
- Robert, Jean-François Histoire
- Robertson, James Craigie, 1813
- Robertson, James Craigie, 1813
- Ross Williamson, Hugh, 1901-19
- Slocum, Kay Brainerd Liturgies
- Slocum, Kay Brainerd The cult
- Slocum, Kay Brainerd The cult
- Smalley, Beryl The Becket conf
- Smalley, Beryl The Becket conf
- Speaight, Robert, 1904-1976 St
- Speaight, Robert, 1904-1976 Th
- Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, 1815-
- Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, Bar
- Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, Bar
- The Life and martyrdom of Thom
- The lives of Thomas Becket
- The memory of Thomas Becket
- Thomas saga erkibyskups
- Thómas saga erkibyskups
- Thomas, of Froidmont, -approxi
- Thompson, Robert Anchor, 1821-
- Villeroy, L. Sain-Paul, pays d
- Vollrath, Hanna Thomas Becket
- Walberg, Emmanuel, 1873- La tr
- Ward, H. Snowden (Henry Snowde
- Warter, John Wood, 1806-1878 A
- Watt, Francis, 1849-1927 Cante
- Watt, Francis, 1849-1927 Cante
- Watt, Francis, 1849-1927 Cante
- Wilshire, Leland Edward Thomas
- Winston, Richard Thomas Becket
- Winston, Richard Thomas Becket
- Woodgate, M. V. Mildred Violet
- Contributor to