Gerhardt, Paul, 1607-1676
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1607
Death Date
- 1676
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- Axmacher, Elke Johann Arndt un
- Bahr, Petra, 1966- Paul Gerhar
- Beeskow, Hans-Joachim Paul Ger
- Bideau, Alain, 1960- Paul Gerh
- Bunners, Christian Paul Gerhar
- Geiger, Erika Dem Herren musst
- Gerhardt, Paul, 1607-1676 Wach
- Grosse, Sven Gott und das Leid
- Hesselbacher, Karl, 1871- Paul
- Hesslebacher, Karl, 1871- Paul
- Hewitt, Theodore B. (Theodore
- Hewitt, Theodore B. (Theodore
- Hoffmeister, Joachim Botschaft
- Hoffmeister, Joachim Gott aber
- Hultsch, Gerhard Paul Gerhardt
- Ihlenfeld, Kurt Paul Gerhardt
- Koch, Traugott "Du meine Seele
- Köpf, Rainer, 1964- Wir gehn d
- Liebig, Elke, 1978- Johann Geo
- Paul Gerhardt
- Paul Gerhardt
- Petrich, Hermann, 1845- Paul G
- Petrich, Hermann, 1845- Paul G
- Rödding, Gerhard, 1933- Paul G
- Rödding, Gerhard, 1933- Warum
- Steiger, Johann Anselm "Geh' a
- Contributor to
- Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1
- Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1
- Busarow, Donald Come with song
- Couper, Alinda B. Dearest Imma
- Crüger, Johann, 1598-1662 Awak
- Crüger, Johann, 1598-1662 Sing
- Ducis, Benedictus, approximate
- Ebeling, Johann Georg, 1637-16
- Ebeling, Johann Georg, 1637-16
- Gerhardt, Paul, 1607-1676 Die
- Gerhardt, Paul, 1607-1676 Gedi
- Gerhardt, Paul, 1607-1676 Gedi
- Gerhardt, Paul, 1607-1676 Gerh
- Gerhardt, Paul, 1607-1676 Now
- Gerhardt, Paul, 1607-1676 Paul
- Gerhardt, Paul, 1607-1676 Wach
- Gerhardt, Paulus, 1607-1676 Au
- Gerhardt, Paulus, 1607-1676 Br
- Gerhardt, Paulus, 1607-1676 Di
- Gerhardt, Paulus, 1607-1676 Li
- Gerhardt, Paulus, 1607-1676 Pa
- Helgen, John Evening and morni
- Kendel, Adolf Sollt ich meinem
- MacMillan, James, 1959- A chor
- Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix,
- Mergner, Friedrich Paulus Gerh
- New organ accompaniments for s
- Schmidt, Johann Christoph, 166
- Schulz-Widmar, Russell The lig
- Settgast, Ann-Charlott Die Ver
- Song of the Gospel