Apple, Michael W.
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1942
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- Apple, Michael W. Can educatio
- Apple, Michael W. Cultura, pol
- Apple, Michael W. Cultural pol
- Apple, Michael W. Cultural pol
- Apple, Michael W. Educating th
- Apple, Michael W. Educating th
- Apple, Michael W. Education an
- Apple, Michael W. Education an
- Apple, Michael W. Education an
- Apple, Michael W. Ideology and
- Apple, Michael W. Ideology and
- Apple, Michael W. Ideology and
- Apple, Michael W. Ideology and
- Apple, Michael W. Ideology and
- Apple, Michael W. Knowledge, p
- Apple, Michael W. Official kno
- Apple, Michael W. Official kno
- Apple, Michael W. Official kno
- Apple, Michael W. Pólitica, ec
- Apple, Michael W. Power, meani
- Apple, Michael W. Teachers and
- Apple, Michael W. The state an
- Apple, Michael W. The Struggle
- Challenges of urban education
- Critical education
- Cultural and economic reproduc
- Democratic schools
- Democratic schools
- Democratic schools
- Disrupting hate in education
- Disrupting hate in education
- Educación y modernidad, hoy
- Education, technology, power
- Educational evaluation
- Engaging critical pedagogy in
- Engaging critical pedagogy in
- Escola básica na virada do séc
- Global crises, social justice,
- Globalizing education
- Ideology and practice in schoo
- Marxismo y sociología de la ed
- Menter, Ian, 1949- Raymond Wil
- Menter, Ian, 1949- Raymond Wil
- New directions in education
- Power, knowledge, pedagogy
- Re-imagining education for dem
- Re-imagining education for dem
- Schooling and the rights of ch
- The curriculum
- The Curriculum
- The Politics of the textbook
- The Routledge international ha
- The Routledge international ha
- The strong state and curriculu
- The subaltern speak