Languet, Hubert, 1518-1581
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1518
Death Date
- 1581-09-30
Birth Place
- Vitteaux (France)
(itoamc) Publicists
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- Bayle, Pierre, 1647-1706 A gen
- Bayle, Pierre, 1647-1706 Dicti
- Nicollier-De Weck, Béatrice Hu
- Raitiere, Martin N., 1948- Fai
- Scholz, Oscar, 1851- Hubert La
- Scholz, Oscar, 1851- Hubert La
- Contributor to
- Hotman, François, 1524-1590 De
- Languet, Hubert, 1518-1581 A d
- Languet, Hubert, 1518-1581 De
- Languet, Hubert, 1518-1581 Epi
- Languet, Hubert, 1518-1581 Vin
- Languet, Hubert, 1518-1581 Vin
- Languet, Hubert, 1518-1581 Vin
- Languet, Hubert, 1518-1581 Vin
- Sidney, Philip, 1554-1586 The
- William I, Prince of Orange, 1