Hsia, R. Po-chia, 1955-
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1955-11-15
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- A companion to the Reformation
- Calvinism and religious tolera
- Cultural translation in early
- Encounters between Jesuits and
- Encounters between Jesuits and
- Hsia, R. Po-chia, 1955- A comp
- Hsia, R. Po-chia, 1955- A Jesu
- Hsia, R. Po-chia, 1955- A Jesu
- Hsia, R. Po-chia, 1955- Gesell
- Hsia, R. Po-chia, 1955- Matteo
- Hsia, R. Po-chia, 1955- Noble
- Hsia, R. Po-chia, 1955- Social
- Hsia, R. Po-chia, 1955- Societ
- Hsia, R. Po-chia, 1955- The my
- Hsia, R. Po-chia, 1955- The wo
- Hsia, R. Po-chia, 1955- The wo
- Hsia, R. Po-chia, 1955- Trent
- In and out of the ghetto
- Problems in the historical ant
- Reform and expansion, 1500-166
- The German people and the Refo