Merkaz ha-Yerushalmi le-ʻinyene tsibur u-medinah
Identified By
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- Behind the humanitarian mask
- Canadian Jewish studies
- Constitutionalism
- Defensible borders for a lasti
- Defensible borders for a lasti
- Don-Yehiya, Eliezer, 1938-2018
- Elazar, Daniel Judah ha-Sokhnu
- Fain, Benjamin, 1930- Jewishne
- Fridberg, Asher ha-Yeridah min
- From autonomy to shared rule
- Gold, Dore Biḳoret ʻal duaḥ ha
- Gold, Dore ha-Maʻarakhah ha-di
- Gold, Dore The UN Gaza report
- ha-ʻEdah ha-Druzit be-Yiśraʼel
- Hafraṭah ba-shilṭon ha-meḳomi
- Hafraṭah u-zekhuyot ʻovdim
- Hafraṭah ṿe-hagbarat ha-taḥaru
- Ḥuḳah li-Medinat Yiśraʼel
- Israel The constitution of the
- Jerusalem letter
- Jerusalem letter. Viewpoints
- Jerusalem viewpoints
- Jewish environmental perspecti
- Jewish political studies revie
- Kalkalat Yiśraʼel liḳrat sheno
- Maʻarekhet ha-beriʼut be-Yiśra
- Mishʼale ʻam
- Morality & power
- Neriyah, Z'aḳ Ben Rabin le-ʻAr
- Political and structural arran
- Post-holocaust and anti-semiti
- Public Policy Day (3rd : 1991
- Reformah ḳonsṭiṭutsyonit be-Yi
- Seḳer baʻale haśkalah gevohah
- Shiṭot u-modelim be-hafraṭah
- Shragai, Nadav The "Al-Aksa is
- Survey of Arab affairs
- Susser, Bernard, 1942- ha-Beḥi
- Temurot ba-mapah ha-poliṭit be
- The changing forms of inciteme
- Understanding the Jewish Agenc
- Urban revitalization
- Weiker, Walter F. Ottomans, Tu
- Weiner, Justus Reid Illegal co
- Weiner, Justus Reid Israel and
- Zekhuyoteha shel Yiśraʼel ki-m