Washington State Institute for Public Policy
Identified By
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- Adult literacy education study
- Agenda 2000
- Anderson, Sue Alternate routes
- Aos, Steven Evidence-based adu
- Aos, Steven Trends in at-risk
- Assessing risk for re-offense
- Barnoski, Robert P. Changes in
- Barnoski, Robert P. Foundation
- Barnoski, Robert P. Sex offend
- Barnoski, Robert P. Sex offend
- Barnoski, Robert P. Sex offend
- Barnoski, Robert P. Sex offend
- Benefits and costs of preventi
- Benefits and costs of preventi
- Berliner, Lucy Sex offender se
- Burley, Mason At-risk and runa
- Burley, Mason Welfare caseload
- Children's mental health preve
- CJAA Workgroup Implementation
- Cole, Wade Washington's high s
- Decline in Washington's family
- Drake, Elizabeth Washington St
- Educational opportunities in W
- Evidence-based treatment of al
- Final report of the Joint Task
- Findings from the community pr
- Findings from the community pr
- Guidelines for child sexual ab
- Harding, Edith W. Special educ
- Harding, Edith W. Washington's
- Hazardous materials incident m
- How do court continuances infl
- Knapp, Kay A. Community networ
- Knapp, Kay A. Strategic direct
- Lerch, Steve An assessment of
- Lerch, Steve Avoidable hospita
- Lerch, Steve Evaluating WorkFi
- Lerch, Steve High-cost Medicai
- Lerch, Steve Medicaid coverage
- Lerch, Steve Purchasing state
- Lerch, Steve Smoking cessation
- Lidman, Russell M. Washington'
- Lieb, Roxanne Evaluation of th
- Lieb, Roxanne The 1990 Communi
- Lieb, Roxanne The 1990 Communi
- Lovell, David (David G.) Washi
- Lovell, David (David G.) Washi
- Mann, Candiya Educational plac
- Matson, Shannon Alternative ro
- Mayfield, Jim Full-time higher
- Mayfield, Jim Higher education
- Mayfield, Jim Kinship care in
- McLain, Barbara The Learning A
- McLain, Barbara Washington Sch
- Miller, Marna Geyer Alternativ
- Miller, Marna Geyer Chemical d
- Milloy, Cheryl Darling Juvenil
- Outcome evaluation of Washingt
- Pennucci, Annie Comparative re
- Pennucci, Annie Higher educati
- Phipps, Polly A. Access to aty
- Phipps, Polly A. Washington's
- Pivo, Gary, 1956- Growth in Wa
- Poole, Carol Community notific
- Schram, Donna D. Community not
- Sentences for adult felons in
- Silas, Sharon Juvenile curfew
- Stirling, Kate J. The economic
- Sykes, Tom Student outcomes in
- The family income study
- Washington State Institute for
- Washington State's Family Inco
- Washington's juvenile basic tr
- Webster, Carol Child care use
- Webster, Carol Teenage mothers
- Webster, Carol Washington Stat
- Weeks, Gregory C. Becoming poo
- Weeks, Gregory C. Targeting pu
- Weeks, Gregory C. Women, work,
- Welfare and employment outcome
- Wilson, Charles (Charles Alber