Bischof, Günter, 1953-
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1953-10-06
Has Affiliation
- Organization: University of New Orleans
Associated Language
- English
Associated Language
- German
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- "80 Dollar"
- 1914
- Aschheim, Daniel, 1988- Kreisk
- Aschheim, Daniel, 1988- Kreisk
- Austria in the European Union
- Austria in the new Europe
- Austria in the nineteen fiftie
- Austria in the twentieth centu
- Austria's International Positi
- Austrian foreign policy in his
- Austrian historical memory & n
- Austro-corporatism
- Bischof, Günter, 1953- Auftrag
- Bischof, Günter, 1953- Auftrag
- Bischof, Günter, 1953- Austria
- Bischof, Günter, 1953- Der Mar
- Bischof, Günter, 1953- The Mar
- Bischof, Günter, 1953- Zukunft
- Cold War respite
- Die Bevormundete Nation
- Eisenhower
- Eisenhower and the German POWs
- Kindleberger, Charles P., 1910
- Kriegsgefangene des Zweiten We
- Kriegsgefangenschaft im Zweite
- Neutrality in Austria
- New perspectives on Austrians
- Religion in Austria
- Sexuality in Austria
- The Americanization/westerniza
- The changing Austrian voter
- The Dollfuss/Schuschnigg era i
- The Kreisky era in Austria
- The Marshall Plan and Germany
- The Marshall Plan in Austria
- The Pacific War revisited
- The Schüssel era in Austria
- The Vienna Summit and its impo
- The Vienna Summit and its impo
- The Vranitzky era in Austria
- Visual histories of Austria
- Women in Austria