Blazonczyk, Eddie
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1941-07-12
Death Date
- 2012-05-21
Birth Place
- Chicago (Ill.)
Field of Activity
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- "Polka spotlite"
- 1989 Neptune Plaza Concert Ser
- Adams, Kevin, 1957- A child is
- Blazonczyk, Eddie Always-- for
- Blazonczyk, Eddie Custom made
- Blazonczyk, Eddie Polkatime
- Blazonczyk, Eddie Twinkletoes
- Eddie Blazonczyk's Versatones
- Eddie Blazonczyk's Versatones
- Hawaiian polka tour
- Let's celebrate again
- Liszka, Frankie Our polka hero
- More good ole' honky style pol
- National Council for the Tradi
- Old country style. Vol. 2
- Po staro krajsku. Vol. I
- Polka cruise
- Polka festival
- Polka fireworks
- Polka hits
- Polka jamboree
- Polka thriller
- Roaring polkas
- Squeeze box serenade
- Wide wide world of polkas
- Yankovic, Frank Songs of the p