Green, Archie
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1917-06-29
Death Date
- 2009-03-22
Has Affiliation
- Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Organization: University of Texas at Austin
Associated Locale
- United States
Associated Language
- English
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- Burns, Sean Archie Green
- Burns, Sean Archie Green
- Burns, Sean Archie Green
- Legends and legacies
- Legends and legacies
- Contributor to
- American Folklife Center recep
- Archie Green labor songs antho
- Green, Archie Archie Green int
- Green, Archie Calf's head & un
- Green, Archie Harry Lundeberg'
- Green, Archie Millwrights in N
- Green, Archie Only a miner
- Green, Archie Tin men
- Green, Archie Torching the fin
- Karen Cardullo collection on R
- Railroad songs and ballads
- Songs about work
- Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway F
- The Archive of Folk Song
- The big red songbook
- University of Chicago Folk Fes