Herzog, Dagmar, 1961-
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1961-07-12
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- After the history of sexuality
- Brutality and desire
- Herzog, Dagmar, 1961- Cold War
- Herzog, Dagmar, 1961- Intimacy
- Herzog, Dagmar, 1961- Intimacy
- Herzog, Dagmar, 1961- Seksualn
- Herzog, Dagmar, 1961- Sex afte
- Herzog, Dagmar, 1961- Sex in c
- Herzog, Dagmar, 1961- The ques
- Herzog, Dagmar, 1961- The ques
- Lessons & Legacies Conference
- Rabinbach, Anson Staging the T
- Rabinbach, Anson Staging the T
- Sexuality and German fascism
- Sexuality in Austria
- The Routledge companion to sex
- The Routledge companion to sex