Rucka, Greg
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1969-11-29
Associated Language
- English
Field of Activity
(lcsh) Comic books, strips, etc.
(lcsh) Novels
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- 52
- Batman
- Batman, evolution
- Batman, officer down
- Batman, Shadow of the bat
- Batman. Death and the maidens
- Black widow. Pale little spide
- Brubaker, Ed Batman
- Brubaker, Ed Gotham Central om
- Brubaker, Ed Gotham Central. B
- Brubaker, Ed Gotham Central. B
- Brubaker, Ed Gotham Central. B
- DeFilippis, Nunzio Skinwalker
- Gaider, David Dragon Age
- Gale, Bob, 1951- Batman
- Gale, Bob, 1951- Batman
- Gates, Sterling Supergirl
- Gates, Sterling Supergirl
- Johns, Geoff, 1973- 52 omnibus
- Johns, Geoff, 1973- The Flash
- Kobra
- Robinson, James, 1963- Superma
- Rucka, Greg A fistful of rain
- Rucka, Greg A gentleman's game
- Rucka, Greg Alpha
- Rucka, Greg Awakening
- Rucka, Greg Batman
- Rucka, Greg Batman
- Rucka, Greg Batman
- Rucka, Greg Batman
- Rucka, Greg Batman
- Rucka, Greg Batman/Huntress
- Rucka, Greg Batwoman
- Rucka, Greg Batwoman by Greg R
- Rucka, Greg Checkmate
- Rucka, Greg Checkmate by Greg
- Rucka, Greg Conclave
- Rucka, Greg Critical space
- Rucka, Greg Critical space
- Rucka, Greg Dragon age
- Rucka, Greg Final crisis. Reve
- Rucka, Greg Finder
- Rucka, Greg Godwatch
- Rucka, Greg Gotham central
- Rucka, Greg Gotham Central. Bo
- Rucka, Greg Gotham central. Bo
- Rucka, Greg Gotham central. Bo
- Rucka, Greg Grendel
- Rucka, Greg Lazarus
- Rucka, Greg Lazarus
- Rucka, Greg Lift
- Rucka, Greg Patriot acts
- Rucka, Greg Perfect dark
- Rucka, Greg Perfect dark
- Rucka, Greg Perfect dark. Seco
- Rucka, Greg Poison
- Rucka, Greg Private wars
- Rucka, Greg Queen & country
- Rucka, Greg Queen & country. [
- Rucka, Greg Queen & country. [
- Rucka, Greg Queen & country. V
- Rucka, Greg Queen & country. V
- Rucka, Greg Queen & country. V
- Rucka, Greg Shooting at midnig
- Rucka, Greg Star Wars
- Rucka, Greg Stumptown Investig
- Rucka, Greg Stumptown volume t
- Rucka, Greg Stumptown, volume
- Rucka, Greg Superman
- Rucka, Greg Superman, sacrific
- Rucka, Greg Superman, that hea
- Rucka, Greg Superman. [Volume
- Rucka, Greg Superman. [Volume
- Rucka, Greg Superman. Codename
- Rucka, Greg The case of a cup
- Rucka, Greg The case of the ba
- Rucka, Greg The case of the gi
- Rucka, Greg The last run
- Rucka, Greg The lies
- Rucka, Greg The OMAC project
- Rucka, Greg The question
- Rucka, Greg The Question
- Rucka, Greg The truth
- Rucka, Greg Veil
- Rucka, Greg Walking dead
- Rucka, Greg Whiteout
- Rucka, Greg Whiteout compendiu
- Rucka, Greg Whiteout. [Volume
- Rucka, Greg Wonder Woman
- Rucka, Greg Wonder Woman
- Rucka, Greg Wonder Woman
- Rucka, Greg Wonder Woman
- Rucka, Greg Wonder Woman
- Rucka, Greg Wonder Woman by Gr
- Rucka, Greg Wonder Woman, down
- Rucka, Greg Year one
- Superman
- Superman
- The OMAC project
- Ultimate Daredevil & Elektra
- More than 100 found...