Roy, Adrienne
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1953-06-28
Death Date
- 2010-12-14
Associated Locale
- Austin (Tex.)
Field of Activity
(lcsh) Comic books, strips, etc.
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- Aparo, Jim Legends of the Dark
- Atari Force
- Barr, Mike W. Batman and the O
- Batgirl, the Bronze Age omnibu
- Batman
- Batman and the outsiders
- Batman Annual
- Batman special
- Batman, Knightsend
- Batman, the Dark Knight detect
- Batman: Vengeance of Bane
- Byrne, John, 1950- The DC univ
- Conway, Gerry All Star Comics
- Conway, Gerry Firestorm
- Conway, Gerry Tales of the Bat
- Detective comics
- Dixon, Chuck, 1954- Batman
- Dixon, Chuck, 1954- Batman
- Dixon, Chuck, 1954- Batman Kni
- Dixon, Chuck, 1954- Batman, Kn
- Dixon, Chuck, 1954- Love and b
- Dixon, Chuck, 1954- Robin
- Dixon, Chuck, 1954- Robin. Vol
- Dixon, Chuck, 1954- Robin. Vol
- Dixon, Chuck, 1954- Turning po
- Grant, Alan, 1949- Batman Arkh
- Grant, Alan, 1949- Batman, sha
- Infinity Inc. Annual
- Jurgens, Dan Zero hour
- Jurgens, Dan Zero hour
- Kupperberg, Paul Superman
- Levitz, Paul The Huntress
- Milligan, Peter Batman
- Moench, Doug, 1948- Batman
- Moench, Doug, 1948- Batman
- Moench, Doug, 1948- Batman
- Moench, Doug, 1948- Batman Ark
- O'Neil, Dennis, 1939-2020 Batm
- O'Neil, Dennis, 1939-2020 Gree
- Robin
- Snyder, Scott Tales from the D
- Starlin, Jim Batman, a death i
- Starlin, Jim Batman, the caped
- Superman
- Swamp Thing annual
- Tales of the Batman, Gene Cola
- Tales of the Teen Titans
- Team Titans
- Teen Titans spotlight
- The New Teen Titans
- The New Teen Titans
- The New Teen Titans annual
- The New Teen Titans annual
- The New Titans
- The Spectre
- The Warlord
- Thomas, Roy, 1940- America vs.
- Time warp
- Wolfman, Marv Deathstroke, the
- Wolfman, Marv Night Force by M
- Wolfman, Marv Tales of the Bat
- Wolfman, Marv The new Teen Tit
- Wolfman, Marv The New Teen Tit
- Wolfman, Marv The New Teen Tit
- Wolfman, Marv The New Teen Tit
- Wolfman, Marv Titans
- Wolfman, Marv Vigilante by Mar
- Wonder Girl