Baumann, Moose
Identified By
Field of Activity
(lcsh) Comic books, strips, etc.
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- Adams, Neal, 1941-2022 Blood
- Adams, Neal, 1941-2022 Neal Ad
- Johns, Geoff, 1973- Green Lant
- Johns, Geoff, 1973- Green Lant
- Johns, Geoff, 1973- Green Lant
- Johns, Geoff, 1973- Green Lant
- Johns, Geoff, 1973- Green Lant
- Johns, Geoff, 1973- Green Lant
- Jolley, Dan Bloodhound. []. [V
- Jolley, Dan Bloodhound. Vol. 2
- Kesel, Barbara Elseworld's fin
- Loeb, Jeph Superman, Emperor J
- Morrison, Grant Batman by Gran
- Morrison, Grant Seven Soldiers
- Morrison, Grant Seven Soldiers
- Superman/Batman. Volume 3
- Tomasi, Peter Green Lantern Co