Francis, Pope, 1936-
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1936-12-17
Has Affiliation
- Affiliation Start: 1992
- Affiliation End: 2013
- Source: Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, viewed Mar. 13, 2013
- Organization: Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Has Affiliation
- Affiliation Start: 1958
- Source: Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, viewed Mar. 13, 2013
- Organization: Jesuits
Birth Place
- Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Associated Language
- Spanish
Associated Language
- Latin
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- Accattoli, Luigi Il vescovo di
- Aure i Peñas, Esther, 1966- So
- Blaschke, Jorge Francisco, los
- Boff, Leonardo Francis of Rome
- Bunson, Matthew Pope Francis
- Caponnetto, Antonio, 1951- La
- Collins, Michael, 1960- Franci
- Collins, Michael, 1960- Franci
- Cool, Michel Francis, a new wo
- Cortells, Santiago, 1979- Habe
- Craughwell, Thomas J., 1956- P
- Ein Papst, der Glück bringt
- Erbacher, Jürgen, 1970- Papst
- Escobar, Mario, 1971- Francis
- Escobar, Mario, 1971- Francis
- Francis, Pope, 1936- La acusac
- Francis, Pope, 1936- New begin
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Only love
- Gaeta, Saverio, 1958- The life
- Giannuli, Aldo, 1952- Papa Fra
- Gómez Borrero, Paloma De Bened
- Herat, Gwen Pope Francis 1
- Houdek, Diane M. Pope Francis
- Introvigne, Massimo Il segreto
- Kaiser, Robert Blair INSIDE TH
- Kempis, Stefan von, 1970- A ca
- Krames, Jeffrey A. Lead with h
- Larraquy, Marcelo, 1965- Recen
- Loehr, Gina St. Francis, Pope
- López Cambronero, Marcelo Fran
- López Vidal, José Manuel, 1952
- Lowney, Chris Pope Francis
- Machajewski, Sarah Pope Franci
- Martini Grimaldi, Cristian, 19
- MichaelDavide, Fratel Papa Fra
- Moynihan, Robert, 1936- Pray f
- Murphy, Charles M. Reclaiming
- Perucchietti, Enrica L'ultimo
- Pope Francis
- Pope Francis
- Provenzano, Francesco Maria Fr
- Ricci, Giancarlo L'atto, la st
- Robles, Manuel, 1950- Papa Fra
- Rosales, Luis Alberto Francis
- Rubén Puente, Armando, 1928- P
- Rubio Fernández, Juan La viña
- Scavo, Nello, 1972- La lista d
- Spadaro, Antonio Da Benedetto
- Spadaro, Antonio Il disegno di
- The Francis factor
- Tornielli, Andrea, 1964- Franc
- Tornielli, Andrea, 1964- FRANC
- Tornielli, Andrea, 1964- Jorge
- Torralba Roselló, Francesc, 19
- Valli, Aldo Maria Le sorprese
- Vandekerkhove, Christian Franc
- Vedia, Mariano de, 1962- Franc
- Verbitsky, Horacio El Silencio
- Waldenfels, Hans Sein Name ist
- Zavattaro, Fabio Fratelli e so
- Contributor to
- Francis, Pope, 1936- ¡Salgan a
- Francis, Pope, 1936- A big hea
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Biblia, d
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Corrupció
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Educar
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Educar
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Educar, e
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Educar, e
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Education
- Francis, Pope, 1936- El jesuit
- Francis, Pope, 1936- El Papa F
- Francis, Pope, 1936- El verdad
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Encounter
- Francis, Pope, 1936- I ask you
- Francis, Pope, 1936- I ask you
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Id y hace
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Inspirati
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Inspirati
- Francis, Pope, 1936- La acusac
- Francis, Pope, 1936- La alegrí
- Francis, Pope, 1936- La Nación
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Lumen fid
- Francis, Pope, 1936- New begin
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Nosotros
- Francis, Pope, 1936- On heaven
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Only love
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Pilares d
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Ponerse l
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Pope Fran
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Pope Fran
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Pope Fran
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Qué bien
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Sobre el
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Sobre la
- Francis, Pope, 1936- The churc
- Francis, Pope, 1936- The way o
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Through t
- Francis, Pope, 1936- Una igles
- Moynihan, Robert, 1936- Pray f
- Zavattaro, Fabio Fratelli e so