Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1528
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1450-07-24
Death Date
- 1528-11-17
Birth Place
- Sélestat (France)
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- Bikel, Ernst, 1880- Wimpfeling
- Donner, Rainer Jakob Wimpfelin
- Knepper, Joseph, 1864- Jakob W
- Needon, Kurt Ossian, 1870- Jac
- Newald, Richard Elsässische Ch
- Schwarz, Bernhard, 1844-1901 J
- Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1528 L
- Contributor to
- Baptista, Mantuanus, 1447-1516
- De generibus ebriosorum, et eb
- Epistola de miseria curatorum
- Epistola de miseria curatorum
- Geiler von Kaysersberg, Johann
- Gresemund, Dietrich, approxima
- Ludolf, von Sachsen, approxima
- Rabanus Maurus, Archbishop of
- Sánchez de Arévalo, Rodrigo, 1
- Schott, Peter, 1458-1490 Petri
- Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-151
- Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1528 A
- Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1528 A
- Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1528 C
- Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1528 D
- Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1528 D
- Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1528 D
- Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1528 E
- Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1528 E
- Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1528 I
- Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1528 J
- Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1528 J
- Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1528 J
- Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1528 L
- Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1528 L
- Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1528 O
- Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1528 S
- Wolff, Thomas, 1475-1509 Hic s