Goldberg, Zalman Neḥemyah
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1931-01-28
Death Date
- 2020-08-20
Has Affiliation
- Organization: Bet ha-din ha-gadol le-ʻirʻurim (Jerusalem)
Associated Locale
- Israel
Field of Activity
(lcsh) Jewish law--Decision making
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- Blaṭman, Yaʼir Mosheh Le-verur
- Goldberg, Zalman Neḥemyah Dark
- Goldberg, Zalman Neḥemyah Ḳove
- Goldberg, Zalman Neḥemyah Lev
- Goldberg, Zalman Neḥemyah Mish
- Goldberg, Zalman Neḥemyah Mish
- Goldberg, Zalman Neḥemyah Mish
- Goldberg, Zalman Neḥemyah Neti
- Goldberg, Zalman Neḥemyah Shiʻ
- Goldberg, Zalman Neḥemyah Shut
- Jonathan ben David, ha-Kohen,
- Ḳoren, Aryeh Yitsḥaḳ Or ha-moʻ
- Ḳoren, Aryeh Yitsḥaḳ Or ha-moʻ
- Ḳoren, Aryeh Yitsḥaḳ Torat ha-
- Miḳropedyah Talmudit-hilkhatit
- Sadan, Eli Doleh u-mashḳeh