Norges geotekniske institutt
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
Norway. Geotekniske institutt
Norway. Geotechnical Institute
Oslo. Norges geotekniske institutt
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Earlier Established Forms
found: Its Publikasjon.
found: Instanes, Arne. AIOC geohazard study, 1999:title page (NGI, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo, Norway)
found: NGI WWW site, viewed April 18, 2018:About NGI page (NGI is Norway's largest geotechnical specialist community and a leading centre of research and consultancy in engineering geosciences. We are a private commercial foundation with head office and laboratories in Oslo, branch office in Trondheim, avalanche research station on Mount Strynefjellet, overseas offices in Houston, Texas, USA, and in Perth, Western Australia.) Milestones page (The Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) is officially established on the 1st of January 1953 by The Research Council of Norway.) -
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
1980-09-23: new
2018-04-19: revised
Alternate Formats