found: Work cat.: Atmospheric science for environmental scientists, 2009:pref. (the field of atmospheric science) contents (The climate of the Earth -- Chemical evolution of the atmosphere -- Atmospheric energy and the structure of the atmosphere -- Biogeochemical cycles -- Tropospheric chemistry and air pollution -- Cloud formation and chemistry -- Particulate matter in the atmosphere -- Stratospheric chemistry and ozone depletion -- Boundary layer meteorology and atmospheric dispersion -- Urban air pollution -- Global warming and climate change science)
found: Wallace, J.M. Atmospheric science : an introductory survey, ©2006:contents (The Earth system -- Atmospheric thermodynamics -- Radiative transfer -- Atmospheric chemistry -- Cloud microphysics -- Atmospheric dynamics -- Weather systems -- The atmospheric boundary layer -- Climate dynamics)
found: Glossary of meteorology, via American Meteorological Society website, Oct. 15, 2018(atmospheric science (also called atmospheric sciences): The comprehensive study of the physics, chemistry, and dynamics of the earth's atmosphere, from the earth's surface to several hundred kilometers; this usually includes atmospheric chemistry, aeronomy, magnetospheric physics, and solar influences on the entire region.)
found: Encyclopædia Britannica online, Oct. 15, 2018(Atmospheric science: interdisciplinary field of study that combines the components of physics and chemistry that focus on the structure and dynamics of Earth's atmosphere; traditionally divided into three topical areas--meteorology (the study and forecasting of weather), climatology (the study of long-term atmospheric patterns and their influences), and aeronomy (the study of the physics and chemistry of the upper atmosphere).)
found: Choosing a career in atmospheric science, via NASA Langley Research Center website, viewed Oct. 15, 2018(Atmospheric science is the study of the physics and chemistry of clouds, gases, and aerosols (airborne particles) that surround the planetary bodies of the solar system. Research in atmospheric science includes: Climatology, Dynamic meteorology, Cloud physics, Atmospheric chemistry, Atmospheric physics, Aeronomy, Oceanography. Most atmospheric scientists study the atmosphere of the Earth, while others study the atmospheres of the planets and moons in our solar system.)
found: Latest research and news by subject, Oct. 15, 2018(Atmospheric science: Atmospheric science is the study of the dynamics and chemistry of the layers of gas that surround the Earth, other planets and moons. This encompasses the interactions between various parts of the atmosphere as well as interactions with the oceans and freshwater systems, the biosphere and human activities.)