The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service

Load Report

2022-09-07 00:10:23
2022-09-07 01:01:00
Run type
Job Type
every other day
Wikidata. New: 2232, Unlink: 12, Change: 38, Label Change: 99
New Wiki Links
Wiki Unlinks
Wiki Link Changes
Wiki Label Changes

Bad LCCNs on Wikidata

L642223-F1 LCCN: ionoatrens
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Q108312458 LCCN: httpwwwwikidataorgwellknowngenidad1bb314b155ebc7f68d4888eda27f0c

Log Details

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new n94018800  Q112546929  "M\u00e1ir\u00e9ad Nic Craith"
new n85150171  Q112555443  "Carlos Castillo"
new n88274304  Q110940965  "Robert Douthat Meade"
new no2001020610  Q112447940  "Piotr Tylus"
new n93111366  Q73632666  "Anita Frankov\u00e1"
new no2005092051  Q112478686  "Tommaso Agostino Ricchini"
new n88283789  Q6958067  "Itamar Willner"
new no2022109379  Q108354420  "Daniel H. Spector"
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new n85289301  Q112506598  "Annette Harder"
new n97868332  Q94824233  "Karl-Heinz Bodensiek"
new n83066215  Q94890136  "Josef Bayer"
new n86872166  Q112453927  "Luke Eby Steiner"
new nr95046325  Q18812024  "Giovanni Goria"
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new n2005057707  Q112542713  "Marco Sartor"
new n84805149  Q94848314  "Hans Loewe"
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new no2019130588  Q20502579  "Daphna Joel"
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new n50035123  Q71075722  "Beth Dean Carell"
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new n78072767  Q6599060  "Avia Spivak"
new n79071355  Q18358569  "Jacob W. Gruber"
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new n98100664  Q95319693  "Jefferson S. Chase"
new n85319955  Q112416277  "Hossein Bidgoli"
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new no2015166930  Q84317485  "Tomeu Canyelles Canyelles"
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new nr97044444  Q113758503  "Vladimir Stissi"
new n84805803  Q21539383  "William Henry Gregory Geake"
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new n88179087  Q94907102  "Jingying Huiyuan"
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new n91048745  Q112438798  "Q112438798"
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new n82070482  Q27225791  "I. M. \u0218tefan"
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new n86872508  Q97850762  "Ra\u00fal Alonso"
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new n85191556  Q112461044  "Q112461044"
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new nr87000823  Q94808399  "Carl Dietrich Carls"
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new n84141332  Q95211175  "Cecilie H\u00e1lov\u00e1-Jahodov\u00e1"
new n50033391  Q6234560  "John G. Mitchell"
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new n2017000745  Q94940720  "Hubert Locher"
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new n81151997  Q112457183  "Jay L. Devore"
new no2015108219  Q94840288  "David Asher"
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new n79076706  Q113760611  "Mary B. Moore"
new n87851857  Q93221117  "Moira Stewart"
new n83715364  Q113785622  "Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta"
new n2020011930  Q113732718  "Iris Pojani-Dhamo"
new n50013307  Q94920154  "Ole Langwitz Smith"
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new no2010180246  Q3017811  "Lorne Cardinal"
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new n82034715  Q112388540  "Dieter Stru\u00df"
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new n86075442  Q18526365  "Alexander Black"
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new n79090062  Q98732754  "Heather Child"
new nr96015029  Q3945707  "Adrian David Hugh Bivar"
new no2015147216  Q112484235  "Jesper Stein"
new nr92014309  Q7002273  "Ruth dar"
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new n2021012312  Q95444998  "Emil F. Knie\u017ea"
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new no2018010093  Q95471875  "Karel \u0160vehla"
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new n81053703  Q12409534  "Miriam Novich"
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new nb2004311504  Q110214418  "Robert Somerville"
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new n83148278  Q113399877  "\u1e62ev\u00ee \u0112r\u00ee\u1e35 Q\u00fbr\u1e63wayl"
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new n85360716  Q112423425  "Mary V. Campbell"
new n95058909  Q18753081  "\u00c9mile Jules Joseph Marchal"
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new nr94013753  Q113715238  "Mosche Pinchas Elchanam Chajim Wechsler"
new n85219077  Q112477006  "John Yocum Beaty"
new n84802122  Q51077654  "Alexander Provan Robertson"
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new nr95014301  Q113579874  "John Cooper"
new n82123710  Q12037295  "Milan Romportl"
new n84804944  Q65920322  "Johannes Marinus Simon Baljon"
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new no2019184634  Q3084575  "Fran\u00e7ois Evellin"
new nr2002031751  Q3193307  "Karine Ponties"
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new n89628137  Q93265809  "Pius Drijvers"
new n50066882  Q6765319  "Marion Mushkat"
new nr88005207  Q95165490  "V\u00e1clav Menger"
new n81017210  Q7288020  "Ralph Rinzler"
new n83067705  Q95070273  "Josef Gal\u00edk"
new no2010016358  Q74162285  "Fritz Bieligk"
new n98094501  Q111147850  "William Brinner"
new n85158916  Q93231925  "David M. (David Michael) Feldman"
new n79020901  Q22097260  "Mark L. Winston"
new no97065387  Q86534643  "Andreas Baumgartner"
new n85269933  Q112491168  "John G. Fitch"
new n86012442  Q16741674  "Cynthia Nelson"
new n2010022693  Q112436830  "Chuanhai Liu"
new no2003073153  Q94830135  "Eugen Geiger"
new nr2004005694  Q19840292  "Karma Phuntsho"
new n2004062341  Q29640301  "Joseph Anderson (general)"
new nb2021014133  Q22341450  "Cesare Antonio de Cara"
new n84185672  Q94904927  "Heinrich Seifers"
new n85801748  Q112365726  "Donald Campbell"
new n82118050  Q113397502  "Harry Wray"
new n2017001190  Q7803678  "Tim Howar"
new nr2004010852  Q30526923  "Gur Alroey"
new n80023071  Q69391032  "Marianne Horsdal"
new n92068921  Q5256528  "Paul Thompson"
new n84803451  Q98518306  "Newton Price Harcourt Brown"
new n80116362  Q9357018  "William Tay"
new no2018088678  Q5749991  "Hezekiah Ademola Oluwafemi"
new no99027255  Q47091433  "John W. M. Peterson"
new no2004099207  Q112509531  "Fr\u00e9d\u00e9rique Duran"
new no95023438  Q113785741  "Aula orientalis. Supplementa"
new n97074933  Q95730973  "Margit Stange"
new n97058888  Q113757264  "Charles Augustus Fernald"
new n87151043  Q3176052  "Jeanne Gaillard"
new n82231361  Q110180719  "Helen Patricia Jones"
new no2001055631  Q3948251  "Sandro Mayer"
new n78039686  Q113405404  "Q113405404"
new n83073065  Q12332151  "Poul Erik Skriver"
new nr97024242  Q94855613  "Erich Simenauer"
new n50038130  Q112516783  "Peter Henry"
new n2002097477  Q95409747  "Mitchel R. Levitas"
new no00020352  Q94752686  "Helen Henschel"
new no99066343  Q55846895  "Joseph Zvi Hirsch Stern"
new n91050915  Q69549127  "Magda V\u00e1mos"
new nr94017707  Q112510610  "Jeremy H. A. Webber"
new nr91045158  Q25492320  "Mordekhai \u1e24ayim Slonim"
new nr91014754  Q12407854  "Q12407854"
new n79072905  Q94777602  "Edith Baer"
new n2020052778  Q15967237  "Jacques Godard"
new n2002022819  Q95331739  "Christophe B\u00fcchi"
new n85250513  Q113761025  "Klaus Kunze"
new nr95024954  Q36362842  "Yitzchak Isaac Taub"
new n78039583  Q112450466  "Bernhard Kettemann"
new n83174797  Q110213230  "Hugo Vernon Anson"
new n2014037878  Q112511911  "Elke De Rijcke"
new n2003003508  Q89475306  "Olivier Sigaud"
new n85309528  Q1035994  "K\u00e1roly Varga"
new n91103512  Q21165123  "Alfred Chaston Chapman"
new no2003010167  Q94930908  "Johann Julius Struve"
new sh96001763  Q11886371  "Pahr family"
new no2003044160  Q12404422  "Bizchut"
new nr94030279  Q7405195  "Sally Laird"
new n84204774  Q112444624  "Q112444624"
new n83050467  Q113761049  "Bo An"
new n84806466  Q109811306  "Pierre Astruc"
new n78057627  Q112394564  "Robert B. Winter"
new n81087075  Q112492083  "John R. Thelin"
new no2016064391  Q63486000  "Mary Fawler Maude"
new n88635641  Q71857583  "Albert G\u00e2teau"
new n85153836  Q112390803  "Clemens Bannwart"
new n96041220  Q42296095  "Q42296095"
new n89662417  Q113761183  "Benjamin Coates"
new n88063279  Q112398896  "Thomas Scovel"
new n79071241  Q104234030  "Eth Clifford"
new no2015052001  Q94782199  "Heinrich Margulies"
new n79073117  Q25499499  "Marija Agnezija Panteli\u0107"
new n80007289  Q112545753  "Glynn Barratt"
new no98018086  Q110985024  "Bound East for Cardiff"
new n82034592  Q112443537  "James R. Harris"
new n89114321  Q113726823  "R\u0113ruk\u0101n\u0113 Candavimala"
new n2021032863  Q6587143  "Zvi Salton"
new no2021066346  Q11729279  "Juliusz Engelhardt"
new n2004153090  Q112390380  "Ra\u00fal Hern\u00e1ndez-Coss"
new n82106021  Q55771873  "Claire Lucques"
new no2018092269  Q64589866  "Julius Barmat"
new no2003011325  Q93244358  "Michaela Valente"
new n82032373  Q113729543  "Muhammad Hasan Bakalla"
new n86827084  Q113724497  "Charles DeBeus"
new n50036570  Q111382882  "Peter R. Odell"
new no2009091148  Q113719562  "Ish Klein"
new n84106502  Q112413952  "Mel Collier"
new n82142369  Q20609862  "Surjit Hans"
new n86146128  Q67198349  "Maas Boertien"
new nr88000105  Q112454104  "Karel Kornell"
new n92057357  Q112361134  "Nicolas Kempf"
new no91009381  Q109812624  "Louis Nicolas Benjamin Bablot"
new n78024914  Q75281504  "Richard Hugh Roger Chenevix Trench"
new no2009050961  Q67197987  "Sape van der Woude"
new no2001101774  Q109854812  "Arthur Richard Whitham"
new n78092284  Q112395123  "James W. Fraser"
new n92007718  Q105076747  "Mario Otero"
new n97002163  Q2861872  "Armand Isnard"
new n2002014208  Q112497750  "Jonathan Sterne"
new n84031429  Q27990385  "Ruth Kalinov"
new no91004485  Q12411747  "Q12411747"
new n86143090  Q76158737  "Denys Geoffrey Crossley Salt"
new n80073528  Q113748143  "William Stott"
new n85163826  Q112408317  "Q112408317"
new n86872179  Q95239337  "Christoph Hauri"
new no94020324  Q4362456  "Philippe Pigouchet"
new no90014239  Q113773506  "Giorgio Stabile"
new n87114479  Q94930378  "Robert Herndon Fife"
new n99265963  Q5375498  "Jaap Penraat"
new n50036548  Q98098759  "Babs Hodges Deal"
new n83199566  Q16546385  "Fritz Puchstein"
new n2019033614  Q1756245  "R\u00f3za Csillag"
new nb2009005217  Q2860545  "Archives Nationales d'Outre-mer"
new no2012087778  Q112544559  "Leopold Goldschmied"
new n90718446  Q113713812  "Claude Cosandey"
new n96105117  Q112493433  "James Goodman"
new n80116949  Q110212840  "Ivan Kampu\u0161"
new n2001026631  Q113761139  "Abiel Leonard"
new no2004011525  Q94919008  "Hermann Bloch"
new no2013132025  Q110955207  "Georgeta Aramescu Anderson"
new nb90223516  Q101079983  "John Phillips"
new n88237638  Q12409094  "Michael Nehorai"
new no2021144637  Q94929369  "Ludwig Cohn"
new no2011147221  Q105492768  "Betty Vakalidou"
new n93047109  Q6601403  "Muhammad Haj-Yahia"
new n92002177  Q94766387  "Ludwig Fritze"
new no2021019385  Q113761196  "Carl Joseph von Campagne"
new n2009026018  Q22678867  "Doron Menashe"
new n93063257  Q18674455  "Q18674455"
new n91019198  Q112474187  "Amram Eshel"
new no96021272  Q112437208  "Pamela R. Aall"
new n88207283  Q112538562  "Lyman L. Johnson"
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new n50033036  Q95402754  "Hans Hollander"
new no2020021241  Q94819510  "Georg Tietz"
new nr98012141  Q110226199  "Genevi\u00e8ve Fondane"
new n98079726  Q94762239  "Thomas Feitknecht"
new n85282137  Q88091461  "David Higgs"
new no89005920  Q9391760  "Zofia Hertz"
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new n84010340  Q112507884  "George W. Stimson"
new nr2001033845  Q94736849  "Julie Wassermann-Speyer"
new n82117790  Q85621716  "Josef V. Tom\u00e1nek"
new n2002099430  Q113758013  "Franc Rozman"
new n80121660  Q113717265  "Ino Arndt"
new no00035801  Q65850430  "Roelof Roolvink"
new n80166948  Q94902137  "Pierre Mazars"
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new no2006107560  Q106460562  "Carl Johan Een"
new n82030105  Q100594731  "Q100594731"
new nr92001448  Q94836047  "Julius Kossarski"
new n88070280  Q94924575  "Almpertos Nar"
new no2019074846  Q5802839  "Sven Herner"
new n83214867  Q77286633  "A. M. Vaz Dias"
new n91061341  Q19753927  "Horst Vey"
new n86138001  Q107556053  "Marcel Nyns"
new n85331635  Q113774049  "Taq\u012b al-D\u012bn al-Najr\u0101n\u012b"
new n2002134073  Q112384310  "Stuart McGill"
new n83014256  Q92192  "Helene Liebmann"
new n97062536  Q113761062  "Rocco Trimarchi"
new n87819976  Q95200060  "Else Ebel"
new n91079317  Q95364613  "Lubom\u00edr Peduzzi"
new n82110084  Q25714192  "Peter Wilfred Nathan"
new nb2017005132  Q110173969  "Andr\u00e9 Brett"
new n85319251  Q112450080  "Marie-No\u00eblle Gary-Prieur"
new n79151637  Q6763570  "Q6763570"
new no98120886  Q94936378  "Jonas Conrad Schramm"
new n79106146  Q112537571  "P. J. Slot"
new no2020073114  Q13142429  "Joseph Cattaui"
new n79120760  Q63107224  "Gabriella Gentili Verona"
new no2005038325  Q112501799  "Matthias Becker"
new n79140666  Q95151189  "Gabriela Sokolov\u00e1"
new n91106870  Q18983788  "Itamar Prat"
new n81140136  Q94881833  "Pasqual Mario Marafioti"
new n90638554  Q94907705  "Hardi Swarsensky"
new n86801947  Q94845103  "Paul Wigand"
new no2001043387  Q3175941  "Jeanne-Michelle de Pringy"
new n79006549  Q112383836  "James Allen Johnson"
new n86103612  Q20742273  "Minoru Ishizuki"
new n95012349  Q2408612  "Gilles L\u00e9othaud"
new n99262764  Q112432497  "David Rudd"
new n81133485  Q94925328  "Kurt B\u00fcttner"
new n50036397  Q18917170  "Alan Morton"
new n50034089  Q112555103  "Angus Burrell"
new n85344676  Q113731514  "Michel S\u00e9f\u00e9riades"
new n87117096  Q94819303  "Bernhard Landsberg"
new n50014792  Q112412545  "Robert Leslie Smyth"
new nb2011009199  Q101243116  "David McInnis"
new no95037384  Q94809672  "Walther Weibel"
new no2015157641  Q71733422  "M\u00e9lanie Allag"
new n96037922  Q108067892  "Julio Simonet Barrio"
new n95087768  Q112356128  "Max Koch"
new n80020673  Q112371020  "Donald F. Wood"
new no2010169253  Q12409768  "Noya Rimalt"
new n81016048  Q112458265  "James Hogg"
new n80066520  Q6815329  "Ya\u02bba\u1e33ov \u1e32im\u1e25i"
new n85221022  Q113788371  "Benjamin Sherman Brooks"
new n85192227  Q93267048  "Edward Burman"
new nr2002029354  Q93269123  "Hugo Ginsberg"
new n85139474  Q112389419  "Shelagh A. Heffernan"
new n87902941  Q4709661  "Albert Augustus Isaacs"
new n2021015551  Q94866725  "Richard Peters"
new n90605913  Q3898716  "Pedro S\u00e1nchez de la Hoz"
new n90706056  Q95196149  "Magda Ferenbach"
new n97108485  Q30526996  "Yoav Dagon"
new n94123876  Q112508164  "Susan Brownell"
new n94035520  Q66369574  "David Alexander"
new n84175614  Q112359740  "Ingalill Snitt"
new n91047810  Q113725003  "Pierre Poupet"
new nb2002057678  Q112426230  "Jacques Souverain"
new no2013013865  Q113720011  "Hannah Gamble"
new n90725397  Q113783112  "Krystyna Szafraniec"
new n92003182  Q110223114  "Luciano Bergonzini"
new n87116147  Q60842741  "Bernhard Baehring"
new n80109104  Q89780823  "Miodrag Sibinovi\u0107"
new nr96001295  Q12408964  "Muki Betser"
new no2007077399  Q94922058  "Heinz Fleischmann"
new n97043168  Q112383152  "Christiane Bundschuh-Schramm"
new nb2003085904  Q105392384  "Olga Sigall"
new n94034091  Q112528602  "Alwyn Scarth"
new n50036788  Q93232957  "Nesta De Robeck"
new n84230086  Q112455856  "Richard H. Lawson"
new n98093038  Q113737322  "Timo Schadt"
new no98104824  Q113761173  "Arthur Livermore Porter"
new n83731481  Q113777746  "American Academy of Religion academy series"
new n82121822  Q94893608  "Horst Widmann"
new n85309983  Q112317141  "Gaspare Poerio Lisella"
new n82039459  Q112551945  "Fredric Lieberman"
new nr2004031196  Q113754311  "Barbara Dawson"
new n81138962  Q68098139  "Claudie Marcel-Dubois"
new nr95006663  Q95219021  "Ralf Plate"
new nb2009009516  Q95338296  "Michael Quisinsky"
new n91016087  Q94771692  "Charlotte Krause"
new n93077292  Q94936875  "Walter Gut"
new n88110277  Q95266146  "Hiroshi Nagao"
new n50035980  Q20020421  "Daniel F. Merriam"
new n80067276  Q112504685  "Michael T. Gilmore"
new n50022681  Q13035281  "Leslie Rubin"
new n88210465  Q6573761  "Q6573761"
new nr00034847  Q106474458  "Toni Marie Cross"
new n82123582  Q94829403  "Gottfried Weber"
new n91009239  Q112467164  "Bernhard Gro\u00dfmann"
new no2013084592  Q112518578  "Gordon Beckles"
new nr98010231  Q112522297  "Jan Papy"
new no2020088696  Q95390042  "Jaroslav Pilz"
new n85272220  Q105464084  "Aaron J. Friedland"
new n79130645  Q94931941  "Peter A\u00dfmann"
new n85031222  Q113739048  "Daniel Horowitz"
new n95093313  Q113778093  "Bishop Henry McNeal Turner/Sojourner Truth Series in Black Religion"
new n50036913  Q112541399  "Richard L. Merritt"
new nr2004025485  Q89686915  "Jakob B. Brandeis"
new no89002468  Q111318778  "Gerald Julian Renaas Giving"
new n2019064764  Q87401292  "Jonas Achacoso"
new n80089165  Q20606893  "Sholom Yehuda Gross"
new no2013064865  Q112822279  "Laslo Nosek"
new no2005015765  Q104477828  "Lewis Allen Browne"
new n79076818  Q112377850  "Brian K. Williams"
new n91025840  Q113400085  "Josef Motschmann"
new no2013011645  Q104530228  "Isaac Walker Hall"
new n81125777  Q63256160  "Michel Fabre"
new n2020037140  Q4060705  "Tage Algreen-Ussing"
new no2003023320  Q113732629  "Frank K. Root & Co."
new no2003023321  Q113738222  "Henry Waterson, Inc."
new n84803180  Q94916086  "Richard Landau"
new n80141695  Q95176499  "Franti\u0161ek Knopp"
new nr95037012  Q113765296  "R\u00e9mi Dalongeville"
new n90630073  Q112377735  "Marcus Schneck"
new n00011443  Q94927786  "Maynard Frank Wolfe"
new n79120407  Q16128937  "Mosh\u00e9 Ahrend"
new n96076294  Q66485961  "Jaroslav Br\u00e1nsk\u00fd"
new n79143900  Q94840682  "Gerhard Ballin"
new n2003115366  Q112421221  "Alex Conte"
new no98114089  Q55110505  "Jeroen Poblome"
new n87941077  Q112361192  "Rita Asplund"
new n97875794  Q112558367  "Q112558367"
new n2006090677  Q40326114  "Minna Everleigh"
new n2006090675  Q40326073  "Ada Everleigh"
new no2007080215  Q94773998  "Sascha Kronburg"
new n81042884  Q74430745  "Adolf Arnold"
new n78016192  Q16938363  "Alfred Bonnet"
new n2021051236  Q47453426  "Jeremias Rudolf Lichtenst\u00e4dt"
new n85016381  Q6490929  "Larry Parr"
new nr2001000988  Q112476580  "Anne Magnussen"
new no2006091769  Q76143290  "Frederick William Darwall"
new no2011078358  Q95239863  "Bj\u00f6rn Reich"
new no2010202162  Q113526317  "Maud Saint-Lary"
new no2006045499  Q93239981  "Jos\u00e9 Juan Morcillo P\u00e9rez"
new no2014165047  Q112402310  "Jeff Anderson"
new n2004153015  Q113786494  "Cross cultural theologies"
new no2009099597  Q93265708  "Georg Koepgen"
new n87941391  Q113761201  "Carl Schulze"
new n90712652  Q61787935  "Sonia Fineschi"
new n90610508  Q28497083  "Dorville"
new n86050961  Q112559630  "Weddig Fricke"
new no92031786  Q113734968  "Marjan Manfreda"
new n86035244  Q3104370  "Gershon Galil"
new n87847520  Q112549475  "Edwin J. Van Kley"
new n88235546  Q113732071  "Ra\u00fal Estuardo Cornejo"
new n87124522  Q93248375  "Herbert Chanan Brichto"
new no2002083477  Q3327069  "Mo\u00efse Arragel"
new n87103066  Q112494054  "Norine Dresser"
new n87811995  Q65849150  "Pierre Henri van Laer"
new no2002086512  Q93222207  "Sebastian Lalla"
new no2010171395  Q4264615  "Andrey Lobanov-Rostovsky"
new no2021121977  Q88759249  "Yohanan Goldman"
new n84804652  Q128077  "Essex County"
new n81015351  Q112497380  "Istv\u00e1n Magyari Beck"
new n2003060654  Q112413581  "Alessandra C. Lavagnino"
new n2005036035  Q63726244  "Pierre Dreyfus"
new n50019585  Q95948312  "Reginald Pound"
new n88644995  Q94872307  "Alexander Bieling"
new n2002116078  Q112407883  "Clark Chilson"
new n81032573  Q2843413  "Juan Carlos Martini Real"
new no2021055531  Q2965492  "Christian Murciaux"
new n77011692  Q91079895  "John I Gallin"
new n81113444  Q112508931  "Franz Schnauder"
new n2003042219  Q112585373  "Giovanni Mariotti"
new n87905195  Q72937252  "Gottlieb Harms"
new n92072471  Q112506287  "Paulo Ferreira de Castro"
new nr89003910  Q112557045  "Hanneke Houtkoop-Steenstra"
new no2002101895  Q93839504  "Adolf Visscher"
new n2003110860  Q95215324  "Martin Lux"
new n80104934  Q74215156  "Jean Cabot"
new no2011122554  Q18120745  "Q18120745"
new no2009061695  Q112462267  "Andrei A. Buckareff"
new n2010001480  Q88182134  "David J T Sumpter"
new no2003081730  Q22661545  "Heinrich Karplus"
new n79076017  Q3703209  "C. David Heymann"
new n91122105  Q110267434  "Paul Hayes"
new n81017649  Q100375920  "Robert Lyons Danly"
new n2020070982  Q1294425  "Erwin Bauer"
new n86143130  Q112426435  "Peter Schatborn"
new n85018476  Q112352320  "Dudley Baines"
new nr91018345  Q113761158  "Algernon Sidney Johnston"
new no2001044243  Q43252484  "Doo Aphane"
new no2013048966  Q113719975  "Vincenzo Casamassima"
new n82215707  Q112410236  "James Arthur Barnett"
new n80083662  Q94911392  "Horst Eberhard Grewe"
new no2019120429  Q34926316  "Bohumil Dobrovoln\u00fd"
new no2010166737  Q113786550  "Edwin M. Sheridan"
new no2010166739  Q113788041  "Benjamin Brooks"
new n96052388  Q112469277  "David L. Banks"
new n93111052  Q93222406  "Aron Di Leone Leoni"
new n82128966  Q9140213  "Adam Rieger"
new no2009068583  Q113773574  "Giovanni Vignoli"
new n98038361  Q7495337  "Sherri Mandell"
new n83163683  Q99293251  "Louis Meyer"
new n94037419  Q93237487  "Jean Stefancic"
new n50013946  Q93234393  "Godfrey Norman Agmondisham Vesey"
new n80086452  Q12410044  "Q12410044"
new nr97001023  Q93253638  "Robert de Langhe"
new n86039231  Q113587337  "Katherine H. Tachau"
new nr95034046  Q94755333  "Johann Quentell"
new n87915463  Q6118687  "Jacob Golomb"
new no2002058766  Q94761645  "Johann Karl Christian Fischer"
new no2019057115  Q5200063  "Cynthia Freeman"
new no2004002237  Q94896744  "Hans Klee"
new n81084065  Q93251838  "Claude Duvernoy"
new n87814817  Q94874536  "Gottlieb Leibbrandt"
new n84235081  Q95174599  "Drahoslava Cepkov\u00e1"
new n2006028305  Q112563931  "Q112563931"
new n81139131  Q29574169  "Han de Vries"
new no00046490  Q93265963  "Claudio Economi"
new nr2002000534  Q6628878  "Q6628878"
new n94066289  Q112444062  "Marcin Krygier"
new n79148163  Q67198446  "Petrus Franciscus Maria Fontaine"
new no00070147  Q65963650  "A. J. Steiger"
new n2016037988  Q7882767  "Uncle Moishy and the Mitzvah Men"
new no2011119777  Q27020171  "Q27020171"
new no2004034985  Q5860315  "Fernando Tola Mendoza"
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new nb2008012202  Q387663  "Pedro Fern\u00e1ndez de Castro y Andrade"
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new no2013090377  Q105552343  "Charles Morton Aikman"
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new n84175549  Q89042997  "Eugenio Levi"
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new n78021386  Q104720651  "Carla Ovazza"
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new no99079082  Q101161510  "Craig Tovey"
new n82097850  Q113772595  "Valter Dermota"
new nr99013677  Q33605292  "\u0160imon Adler"
new n2003014018  Q89760226  "Peter L. Read"
new n78026969  Q15897429  "Ch'i-Ch'ing Hsiao"
new n80165317  Q108120268  "Richard D. Walk"
new n86107891  Q112550328  "Mark David Johnston"
new n84060430  Q94762753  "Bengt Algot S\u00f8rensen"
new n85317832  Q99476726  "William Henry Helm"
new n82062848  Q33110221  "Jean-Pierre Mohen"
new no2008133402  Q108489958  "Dawson Miller"
new no97064573  Q48757739  "Pierre Ahnne"
new no2009099573  Q67197759  "Wilhelm Brandt"
new n82158108  Q113742433  "Victor D. Sanua"
new n2021014674  Q29368741  "Hannah Mary Bouvier Peterson"
new n82027605  Q9105286  "Monto Ho"
new n84224774  Q95211665  "V\u00e1clav Ch\u00e1b"
new n50026016  Q109853692  "Edward George Harman"
new no2003010776  Q113738386  "Donald Magnetti"
new nr2001010486  Q15830120  "Isidor Hirsch"
new no99078379  Q27020106  "Q27020106"
new no2011123641  Q113761041  "Amadeu do Vale"
new n89628156  Q112433526  "Hans-Martin Kirn"
new n79113813  Q107571598  "Les Brown"
new nr96033893  Q2865209  "Arthur Lumley Davids"
new no2005030525  Q108753668  "John Mark Hinton"
new n95013803  Q112479416  "Michael Sch\u00fctze"
new no2009075199  Q65850755  "Zsolt Szirmai"
new n78007736  Q62648328  "Pierre-Louis d'Aquin de Ch\u00e2teau-Lyon"
new n82104173  Q113732518  "Enzo Lucchesi"
new no00016612  Q7681107  "Tame Iti"
new n83232051  Q112403408  "Michael G. Tearney"
new n50033251  Q99984270  "Lennox A. Mills"
new n82214687  Q93248317  "Bernard J. Ficarra"
new n00103097  Q113731394  "Mirko \u017derjav"
new n82107913  Q38494165  "Q38494165"
new nr88012773  Q112392803  "Q112392803"
new n84107089  Q53546876  "Richard E. W. Adams"
new no2018126467  Q3403223  "Primerose Perret"
new n2004100600  Q93267663  "Enrique Nardoni"
new nr91041191  Q112508925  "Carlo Agliati"
new n83153454  Q18530336  "Rick Carrier"
new nr92036521  Q25498503  "Q25498503"
new n85328703  Q20478843  "Lajos M\u00e1rton"
new no2001032289  Q110941078  "Theos Jardin Thompson"
new n78082318  Q21553115  "David Jacobs"
new n91106797  Q33196946  "Mich\u00e8le Biraud"
new nr2004023762  Q108792175  "David de Castro Tartaz"
new no2009051799  Q3027182  "Didier Rykner"
new n2001102049  Q112492175  "Kathleen LeBesco"
new n97800688  Q50216548  "Ulf Madsen"
new nr00032375  Q69009730  "Daniel Ehrmann"
new n85097194  Q94905914  "Ernst E. Ettisch"
new nb2001014931  Q112439849  "Robert Loch Macdonald"
new no2009061199  Q106827770  "Aron Owen"
new n82120668  Q93231404  "Jean-Pierre Leyvraz"
new nr99012346  Q95008121  "Julius Marx"
new n2006025263  Q94891293  "Otto Barthel"
new no2001055839  Q94738909  "Ingeborg Seidel-Slotty"
new n91021579  Q16025769  "Joseph Gheusi"
new n86840169  Q77738046  "Bertrand Louis Conway"
new n81010674  Q105499894  "Michael W. Taylor"
new n86871325  Q2110194  "Turetsky Choir Art Group"
new n94062954  Q112498366  "Guido H. G. Joachim"
new no99002747  Q113732529  "C. H. Ditson & Co."
new nb98037711  Q111329196  "Waldfried Plieth"
new n85321482  Q112484228  "David Ganderton"
new n94051170  Q61947820  "Philippe Dubois"
new n2020011616  Q108811257  "Anita Daniel"
new no2016104772  Q112384927  "Robert Edward Harlow"
new n88002498  Q4351881  "John Jackson"
new n78096111  Q3903169  "Piero Bianucci"
new nr98024118  Q113723401  "American Community Survey"
new n79095668  Q107654283  "Robert M. Adams"
new n90694854  Q83211758  "Liliana Tolchinsky"
new n2002100001  Q3934580  "Riccardo Pieri"
new no2001046958  Q94916528  "Johann Fleischmann"
new nr97013744  Q112382631  "Elie Najm"
new n50008256  Q95137524  "Blahoslav Sedl\u00e1\u010dek"
new n80012928  Q112416712  "Christopher John Harris"
new no2014048246  Q88466432  "Leonora de Alberti"
new n98056801  Q78163032  "Edith Lewin"
new n85157007  Q112459645  "David Reid"
new no92027319  Q75527328  "Annie Rothschild"
new n96001509  Q68791414  "Q68791414"
new n91075775  Q94826994  "Eugen Mayer"
new nr93036007  Q18191264  "Q18191264"
new n80142816  Q95191812  "Ute Oelmann"
new no97057536  Q94761203  "Walther Eggert-Windegg"
new n81139194  Q93287531  "Fadlou Shehadi"
new nr91022099  Q65849274  "Hendrik Engelinus Weyers"
new no98076277  Q99337065  "Bernard G Richards"
new n86142240  Q58216405  "Pierre Adam"
new n94100412  Q6969259  "Nathan Nelson"
new n50061930  Q3420286  "Q3420286"
new n85256939  Q94936756  "Elmar Matthias Hucko"
new n50036291  Q96364308  "Pramod Chandra"
new n81024585  Q113732585  "Massimo Finoia"
new no2012008452  Q93269267  "Othmar Schilling"
new no2009075388  Q76035220  "William Henry Ernest Robert Turlough O'Brien"
new n84111649  Q27020180  "Q27020180"
new n2002092514  Q57079461  "Franco Fraccaroli"
new n81022128  Q16606942  "Q16606942"
new n81051414  Q113741587  "Donald H. Grissom"
new n81132804  Q94906201  "Birgitta Mogge-Stubbe"
new n2002048221  Q94921036  "Frank Ephraim"
new n85814948  Q92202263  "John Phillipson"
new n78026397  Q112420764  "Gerry Rodgers"
new no2004047235  Q65568150  "Jean Bonnard"
new n00049290  Q3541566  "Tsilla Hershco"
new n82002107  Q36572069  "Hoang G. Diem"
new n85174971  Q20631379  "Ioannis Deliyiannis"
new n2021012074  Q79749752  "Alexandre Guillemin"
new n88288640  Q94819144  "Jay W. Baird"
new nb98024958  Q108690537  "Mark D. Stringer"
new no2016155876  Q93258431  "John N. Hritzu"
new no2011034017  Q4396948  "Jean Joseph Fran\u00e7ois Rolland de Villargues"
new no2021152853  Q2157337  "Robert Grandsaignes d'Hauterive"
new nr00011458  Q61982957  "Psalter-Hours of Yolande de Soissons"
new n2021030423  Q113755352  "Leila Mottley"
new n92050898  Q21341157  "Adolphe Hoffmann"
new n50029442  Q113736164  "Eleanor Means Hull"
new n93099069  Q112450826  "Christopher Barnatt"
new n81071575  Q112378298  "Eugene William Skinner"
new no2006018274  Q112436829  "Faming Liang"
new n83068948  Q112377827  "Florence E. Baer"
new no2017134093  Q113721977  "Alberto Contri"
new n88299224  Q112550613  "Clarice Swisher"
new n97876435  Q12403999  "Alexandru Jar"
new nr93037450  Q112460881  "Jens Ebert"
new n83053171  Q19563541  "James A. Winnefeld, Sr."
new n2013020639  Q113775464  "Simon Strick"
new n00041394  Q112495607  "Andreas Englhart"
new n87803412  Q94832331  "Karl Fink"
new n84802567  Q102124636  "Tomlinson Fort"
new no95020455  Q65160697  "Q65160697"
new n2004036364  Q113786018  "Blackwell companions to the ancient world. Literature and culture"
new nb2015016327  Q102312622  "Dirk Puetzfeld"
new n86009120  Q61474513  "Anna Maria Cavallarin"
new no2010012567  Q94819066  "Paul Victor Langer"
new no93021913  Q94872899  "Georg M\u00fcnzer"
new n2012059913  Q112512703  "Andrea Cusano"
new n82107959  Q94832496  "Johannes J. Braakenburg"
new n2010017581  Q112510622  "Rune Frederiksen"
new n83328596  Q113732514  "John Surowiecki"
new n82255581  Q94902841  "Philippe Bridel"
new no90024954  Q18540418  "Petre Ghelmez"
new n99046159  Q112383342  "Sean Cochran"
new n82234001  Q7047641  "Imanuel Noy-Meir"
new nr97044617  Q113785992  "Loy H. Witherspoon lectures in religious studies"
new n50035054  Q89194120  "Paul Good"
new n2002047593  Q40993325  "Judit Gera"
new n87817264  Q12538205  "Vladimir Drimba"
new nr2002042625  Q112351198  "Q112351198"
new no2007098475  Q94926929  "Heymann Chone"
new n87120799  Q94932909  "Wolfgang Braun"
new n80155649  Q112447722  "Bruce Cooperstein"
new n81012496  Q95102505  "Josef Reiner"
new n89612853  Q63003986  "Jannes Reiling"
new no2019133479  Q7940737  "Frank Tetauer"
new n90637922  Q112461798  "G\u00fcnter Martin Hoffmann"
new no2001020052  Q113685731  "Q113685731"
new n2018187457  Q94881997  "Gustav Wertheim"
new n83318039  Q18412103  "Grischa Barfuss"
new n85049874  Q106529154  "Michel Huber"
new no93027521  Q94765757  "Michael P. Huber"
new n86095952  Q86835409  "Francesco Colagrosso"
new no2003041367  Q96384409  "Jerzy Czarnecki"
new n85366369  Q112487385  "Fred Otten"
new n91086722  Q112360323  "Valerie Traub"
new no2020050435  Q88417842  "Lydia M. Hopper"
new n97073902  Q112476357  "Colin McCormack"
new n2021049101  Q67198278  "Abraham Hartog Isra\u00ebls"
new n80063058  Q112426774  "Edward E. Ericson"
new n85382062  Q65509258  "Bernard Homa"
new n2001029251  Q95317064  "S\u0142awomir Piontek"
new no90005502  Q6904137  "Montague Muir Mackenzie"
new no2008127532  Q113799157  "Blade Runner (The Final Cut)"
new n87904312  Q11736368  "Karol Zierhoffer"
new nr88008731  Q42291584  "E. Arsenio Manuel"
new no2008158998  Q64629128  "Leonard Isaacs"
new n88017655  Q85420890  "Miquel Estrad\u00e9 i Ciurana"
new nb2021010921  Q9356843  "Teodor Tripplin"
new no2020070025  Q1284038  "Edgar Martini"
new no96013902  Q112381796  "Johann Gymnich"
new no97064367  Q94861333  "K. Julius Krebs"
new n87815495  Q7499654  "Shmuel Horowitz"
new n96064434  Q112453157  "Rainhart Lang"
new n82121905  Q112383505  "Ingo Hermann"
new n85046447  Q96049  "Adolf Just"
new nr89007807  Q120597  "Jonas Fr\u00e4nkel"
new n82215693  Q113732576  "Louis Brenner"
new n2001006724  Q112369933  "Dieter Hellwinkel"
new n50034269  Q113587319  "John J. Murray"
new no93029282  Q110618911  "Carlos Wallenstein"
new n84707387  Q113777152  "Bishop Henry McNeal Turner Studies in North American Black Religion"
new n82125725  Q95456066  "Bohumil Sikyta"
new n85091820  Q94852206  "Jos\u00e9 Manuel Espinosa"
new no2008110513  Q108280207  "Frederick C. Boden"
new no2006009541  Q92178392  "Emile Isambert"
new n79038584  Q112449543  "Rita G. Adiyodi"
new n93002662  Q110215453  "Zolt\u00e1n Haraszti"
new n81021860  Q94810585  "Otto Schmitz-Dumont"
new n98099340  Q112380356  "Silvia Hartmann"
new n83010035  Q112488683  "Sima Eliovson"
new no2011038484  Q113717055  "Wilhelm Theodor Auer"
new n2005022069  Q112524365  "Friedrich Wehrung"
new n00035652  Q94751171  "Ruth Loeb"
new n88641695  Q113243912  "Roger D. Akre"
new nr96036459  Q112565323  "Nahum Ben Horim"
new n87882448  Q48644620  "Csengery Judit"
new n82030121  Q93267636  "Isidoro Kahn"
new n88664949  Q94927938  "Georg Molin"
new n91048145  Q107657840  "Joseph F. McCrindle"
new no2006135959  Q112562664  "Zolt\u00e1n Biedermann"
new n50032922  Q112474772  "John Keith Butters"
new n91065852  Q84916886  "Charles Carri\u00e8re"
new no2002047306  Q16591109  "Rubem David Azulay"
new n80158931  Q95176085  "Marie \u0160ulcov\u00e1"
new n91048338  Q109732791  "Henri de Maistre"
new n80094498  Q105394809  "June Rose"
new n84802021  Q108754592  "Gladstone Rule Osborn"
new n91084443  Q2909825  "Bamahane"
new no93008131  Q113724584  "L\u00e9on Lahovary"
new n83215073  Q95471316  "Jan Leh\u00e1r"
new n96061109  Q95402350  "Miroslav Kryl"
new nr88002430  Q94921747  "Saul Kaatz"
new n00020583  Q57933704  "Roland Klees"
new n84017636  Q112054600  "William B. Worthen"
new n79130731  Q112431582  "Friedrich Marks"
new n2003039237  Q112500846  "Victoria P\u00e9rez Escriv\u00e1"
new no2010178688  Q53836384  "Sol N. Sheridan"
new n84004247  Q112381407  "Q112381407"
new n88170021  Q93236870  "Jerry Evensky"
new n2021017493  Q1277777  "Johann Pfunner"
new nr91002621  Q112892713  "Albrecht Scholz"
new n94098250  Q6750250  "Q6750250"
new no2014046578  Q94750686  "Hella Schwarzhaupt"
new n87899868  Q5586287  "Daniel Brick"
new n92016247  Q112447978  "Jeanne Benay"
new no2010166811  Q113786042  "C. M. Gidney"
new n94055730  Q1466610  "Zalai Szalay L\u00e1szl\u00f3"
new n94010921  Q22278169  "Tziporah Heller"
new n79146533  Q106618350  "Basil Hunnisett"
new n82037167  Q93253223  "Pietro Addante"
new n85283561  Q95199314  "Irmgard Wilharm"
new n95114942  Q112541920  "Pierre Voltz"
new n82222172  Q21789559  "Q21789559"
new no99023189  Q112475488  "Q112475488"
new no2017102233  Q113727940  "Hur\u015fit Y\u0131ld\u0131r\u0131m"
new n85144714  Q77901729  "Samuel Ruiz Caba\u00f1as Bustamante"
new nr89002105  Q94931945  "Paul Humbert"
new n2020035342  Q3173926  "Jean Peschard"
new n92087751  Q39381837  "Q39381837"
new n81120246  Q112364400  "Georgi Karasimeonov"
new n82123848  Q47462755  "Jean Wahl"
new n81012377  Q77637281  "Jia Fuming"
new no99004575  Q94754300  "Hans Jakob Ulrich"
new n2011059446  Q15475621  "Ajax"
new n81110291  Q94903102  "Kurt W. Obermeier"
new n78079099  Q112406396  "P. J. Banyard"
new nr00031667  Q6981116  "Dina Recanati"
new no92028584  Q94804683  "Karl Axenfeld"
new n91070090  Q94766544  "Hans Franzen"
new n81150990  Q93238481  "Jim Macadam"
new no2002059037  Q94850854  "Christian Theodor Musculus"
new no93025199  Q112477170  "Barbara Kirkby-Mason"
new n79054372  Q112561756  "Jaime Alazraki"
new no92014189  Q112467562  "Maurizio Mazzieri"
new n81143520  Q64713302  "Stephen Schulhofer"
new n79079185  Q16943126  "Joan Ruiz i Calonja"
new no2005107129  Q113732070  "Yves Bertrais"
new n82129153  Q113768176  "Q113768176"
new n99272900  Q113761045  "Bernard Hamblen"
new n79062130  Q112523975  "Povl Krogsgaard-Larsen"
new n2015040642  Q112485285  "Susanne Zeilinger"
new nr92042635  Q66370751  "Torsten Haferlach"
new no94009271  Q94901627  "Johannes Theis"
new no2011196483  Q94944901  "Erich Brandenburg"
new no98114947  Q113783636  "Bible and postcolonialism"
new n97097503  Q43004716  "Q43004716"
new n80040146  Q7349011  "Robert Prehoda"
new n96083123  Q112415138  "Samuel M. Bluefarb"
new n2020055390  Q11871501  "Edmond Konr\u00e1d"
new nr2005013315  Q94741254  "Marianne Walle"
new no99027419  Q6832079  "Eyal Winter"
new n87843670  Q76732081  "Bahtiar Effendy"
new n87840598  Q12411879  "Q12411879"
new n81132358  Q95470019  "Heinrich Kuhn"
new n87842335  Q98640327  "Ugo Solazzi"
new n83150967  Q112478775  "Arturo Echavarr\u00eda"
new n78098794  Q6723778  "Q6723778"
new n86058711  Q105282196  "Josephine Klein"
new n92017387  Q62070111  "Hans Wolff"
new n85152076  Q112518546  "Romolo Runcini"
new nr2004027349  Q113724684  "Thomas Morton"
new n91068579  Q99889496  "Anders Hedberg"
new no2008054209  Q18984661  "Emil Tauffer"
new no2002104045  Q112492968  "Marcello Aprile"
new n84734496  Q107019819  "Uitgaven van het Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te \u0130stanbul"
new n83193903  Q79024262  "Henri Bonnet"
new no2021033397  Q16014367  "John Wainwright Evans"
new n85249665  Q97063558  "Elisabeth Glaser-Schmidt"
new n86800344  Q94839538  "Wilhelm K\u00f6lling"
new n80046209  Q20500829  "James Franklin Clarke Jr."
new n85059388  Q112430395  "Alister Brass"
new n83206335  Q113716147  "\u02bfAzr\u00ee\u02be\u0113l H\u00eeldeshaymer"
new n50054499  Q67197836  "Jan Sperna Weiland"
new nr92011306  Q113446179  "South Baltimore"
new n90675995  Q17998120  "D\u017eevad Jahi\u0107"
new no98018463  Q94908023  "Erich Lauer"
new n80166916  Q95217573  "Marie Krulichov\u00e1"
new n78026850  Q80892642  "Lois Swan Jones"
new n88071035  Q5650419  "Hans Ludwig Engel"
new n2006064086  Q84190856  "Robert Allen"
new n82232319  Q113722953  "K\u0101mil \u01e6am\u012bl al- \u02bfAsal\u012b"
new nr00032986  Q106694668  "Rapha\u00ebl Jessurun Spitz"
new n50045041  Q94943836  "Justus Maria VanderKroef"
new n87908475  Q55848732  "Bernhard Breslauer"
new n80162496  Q112432625  "Philip Aneurin Thomas"
new n87815391  Q6535488  "Levi Rahmani"
new no97008246  Q11857057  "Einari Merikallio"
new n96020725  Q4662098  "Aaron Hoffman"
new n83058636  Q94888871  "Marcus Cohn"
new n83010982  Q100383420  "G\u00fcnter Friedrich Clau\u00df"
new no2020078555  Q97063463  "Marie Liguori Ewald"
new n96068162  Q67184549  "Lina Mosse"
new n2020030434  Q1597458  "Heinrich G\u00fcnther von Thulemeyer"
new n94020391  Q112560276  "Egon Mielenbrink"
new n82028116  Q18432896  "Charles Wolfe"
new n99025497  Q112485914  "Erik W. Larson"
new n86113632  Q94880705  "Franz Franziss"
new n91111924  Q94578206  "Joseph Tausch"
new n94012909  Q113123781  "John V. M. Sturdy"
new no00003759  Q27990231  "David De Vries"
new n79044468  Q11851325  "Anders Pape M\u00f8ller"
new n91017461  Q102267333  "Werner Alfred Stahel"
new nr97026553  Q3129544  "Heinz Roschewski"
new n91025662  Q112548150  "Stephan Fuchs"
new n2001097846  Q112502892  "Kantik Ghosh"
new n00008817  Q102164408  "Andr\u00e9 C. M. Ran"
new n97089024  Q112380587  "Anna Nilsen"
new no2003100790  Q113761059  "Joshua Lind"
new n2013011573  Q94837940  "Johann\u00e8s Weber"
new n99000868  Q3018636  "Reina Prinsen Geerligs"
new no95041788  Q54231125  "Cilla Elazar"
new n84203970  Q16128884  "Leo Leiderman"
new nr2003006829  Q95150437  "Karel Lamberk"
new nr2002027823  Q55122664  "Aquilin Julius Caesar"
new n91026972  Q113717418  "Naftali Bar-Giora Bamberger"
new n2010036661  Q60439284  "Falko B\u00e4renwald"
new no2018000014  Q113763378  "H\u00e9l\u00e8ne Brun-Kyriakidis"
new nr88009743  Q95071002  "Franti\u0161ek Jan\u00e1\u010dek"
new no2009123220  Q113715119  "Alberto Zatti"
new n2001107594  Q83947256  "Susan Hallam"
new n80094319  Q63449719  "Carlo Mongardini"
new n98091512  Q113740741  "Alberto Pucer"
new no2014092600  Q98592844  "Denise Gamzon"
new n86101890  Q113587320  "Joseph M. Levine"
new nr94015912  Q112526960  "Riccardo Gatteschi"
new no00041266  Q112452867  "Sylvia Joyce Pantaleo"
new n96060247  Q94895344  "Heinrich Wiedemann"
new no98083441  Q112473225  "Alexander Miller"
new n83051540  Q109884994  "Gabriele Leone"
new no2014028615  Q100989644  "Athanasios Vionis"
new n91050712  Q64415998  "Richard Coleman-Smith"
new n50025729  Q100330522  "Lloyd Frankenberg"
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new no2002049746  Q93266285  "Adolf Allwohn"
new nr92015064  Q15443112  "Eugene Kohn"
new no94031903  Q113717253  "Louis Barcata"
new n96087047  Q98642574  "Emil Gustafsson"
new no2010196745  Q93249665  "Alfred Hebeisen"
new nr2005003038  Q94743473  "Hildegard Klepper"
new n86128484  Q93232347  "Louis Trichet"
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new nr91039122  Q20502293  "Q20502293"
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new n85361331  Q112542336  "Ann R. Morris"
new n86137132  Q95349615  "G\u00fcnther Jarosch"
new n85368211  Q94803861  "G\u00fcnther Ritzel"
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new n81026039  Q112387536  "Mark Etkind"
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new n86735727  Q113784475  "Suomen Eksegeettisen Seuran julkaisuja"
new n83050283  Q94787688  "Paul K\u00fchnel"
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"Jir\u00ed Nov\u00e1k""Ji\u0159\u00ed Nov\u00e1k"
labelChange n91089446  Q55762367 
"Per H. Jensen""Per Jensen"
labelChange n90644641  Q10274573 
"Escola de Arte Dram\u00e1tica de Alfredo Mesquita""Escola de Arte Dram\u00e1tica da Universidade de S\u00e3o Paulo"
labelChange no2009110167  Q112079793 
"Joska Samuli Schielke""Samuli Schielke"
labelChange n83066904  Q96475749 
"Craig Winston Lecroy""Craig W. LeCroy"
labelChange nr98002066  Q4149353 
"Olga Anatolevna Grigoreva""Olga Grigoryeva"
labelChange n82087188  Q185541 
labelChange n84187175  Q20437335 
"M. Kiss S\u00e1ndor""S\u00e1ndor M. Kiss"
labelChange n88259419  Q2215147 
"San Jos\u00e9 de Bocay""Municipio de San Jos\u00e9 de Bocay"
labelChange no2016154939  Q224214 
"30th Street Station""30th Street Station (Philadelphia)"
labelChange n96104362  Q23817644 
"University of Montreal School of library and information sciences""\u00c9cole de biblioth\u00e9conomie et des sciences de l'information"
labelChange n93044856  Q113009522 
"Laurie Maffly-Kipp""Laurie F. Maffly-Kipp"
labelChange n79077233  Q230499 
"Violeta Parra""Violeta Parra chipapija"
labelChange no93005439  Q18043499 
"B. S. Kuzin""Boris Kuzin"
labelChange n85830853  Q25475349 
"B. Berde""Botond Berde"
labelChange n89622259  Q70986970 
"Kadhim al-Samawi""Kazim al-Samawi"
labelChange n80031676  Q6419128 
"Ibn Shahr Ashub""Ibn Shahrashub"
labelChange no2005032710  Q94400986 
"Essie Ward""Essie Ann Treat Ward"
labelChange n88170203  Q15513733 
"L\u00e1szlo Vajtho""L\u00e1szl\u00f3 Vajtho"
labelChange n81028991  Q56389722 
"B\u00e9nyei Mikl\u00f3s""Mikl\u00f3s B\u00e9nyei"
labelChange sh2008108427  Q311995 
labelChange n82116938  Q33292 
labelChange n50033883  Q18543378 
"G. N. Golikov""Georgi\u012d Nazarovich Golikov"
labelChange nr90005536  Q4431047 
"Sergey Borisovich Speransky""Sergey Speransky"
labelChange n84065653  Q1817425 
"Jalandhar district""Jalandhar District"
labelChange nb2013018240  Q344935 
labelChange n2008218473  Q5436574 
"Farzad Farzim""Farzad Farzin"
labelChange n83033021  Q1202878 
"Deutsche Gesellschaft f\u00fcr H\u00e4matologie und Onkologie""German Society of Hematology and Oncology"
labelChange n84099599  Q10330422 
"Minist\u00e9rio do Mar do Portugal""Ministry of the Sea of Portugal"
labelChange n85101318  Q4234264 
"Manolis Korres""Emmanouil Korres"
labelChange no00000523  Q13470315 
"L\u00e1szlo Bardos""L\u00e1szl\u00f3 Bardos"
labelChange n79135448  Q2154182 
"Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons""Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons"
labelChange n82211400  Q93237342 
"William N. (William Norton) Dember""William N. Dember"
labelChange n81097736  Q95272380 
"Laszlo Glozer""L\u00e1szl\u00f3 Gl\u00f3zer"
labelChange n80083986  Q14924378 
"Juan Falcon\u00ed Puig""Juan Falconi Puig"
labelChange n83301630  Q155164 
"Imran Khan""Imran Khan Niazi"
labelChange no2010114623  Q33121071 
"Robert Walser-Zentrum""Center Robert Walser"
labelChange n81131728  Q1032945 
"Candelario Obeso""Candelario"
labelChange n85064350  Q7528422 
"Sir Parshurambhau College""Sir Parashurambhau College"
labelChange no2015136000  Q5363653 
"Elizabeth Tyler""Mary Elizabeth Cornett"
labelChange nb99074802  Q4386641 
"F\u00e9lix P\u00e9rez Cardozoj""F\u00e9lix P\u00e9rez Cardozo"
labelChange n2008026773  Q16377144 
"Ibrahim Vakilov""Ibrahim Agha Vakilov"
labelChange n2012003323  Q61827888 
"Rahmane Idrissa""Abdourahmane Idrissa"
labelChange n85148666  Q306933 
"Abb\u00e9 Pierre en politicus""Abb\u00e9 Pierre"
labelChange no2004088023  Q544608 
"Galina Vladimirovna Grigor\u02b9eva""Galina Grigoryeva"
labelChange n80006243  Q111686698 
"James Cornman""James W. Cornman"
labelChange sh85099030  Q52418 
"Attack on Pearl Harbor""the finishing of justin beeter"
labelChange nr91001946  Q4098474 
"U\u0142\u0142ubij Bujnakski""Ullubi\u012d Danii\ufe20a\ufe21lovich Bu\u012dnakski\u012d"
labelChange n91088676  Q12292858 
"Sava V\u016dlchov Filaretov""Sava Filaretov"
labelChange n2008006180  Q5955977 
"Juli\u00e1n Ayala Larraz\u00e1bal""Juli\u00e1n Ayala"
labelChange sh2008002792  Q36221 
labelChange no2019006774  Q133343 
"Hathor""\u0645\u0643\u0627\u0646\u0634 \u0632\u0648\u062c\u0629 \u0631\u0627\u0647\u0645 \u064a\u0643\u0630\u0628\u0648"
labelChange n85040704  Q4341570 
"Nikola\u012d Pavlovich Pavlov-Sil\u02b9vanski\u012d""Nikolai Pavlov-Silvansky"
labelChange nr95024045  Q62091768 
"H. Numan""Hendrik Numan"
labelChange n80072346  Q97276172 
"Igor' Il'ich Sobel'man""Igor Sobelman"
labelChange nr88008393  Q102135641 
"John Kenneth Truss""John Truss"
labelChange n91104273  Q73625389 
"M.H. van de Voorde""M. H. van de Voorde"
labelChange no2006017038  Q3124795 
"Ra\u00fal \u00abChato\u00bb Padilla""Ra\u00fal Chato Padilla"
labelChange n79068659  Q2067820 
"Willibrordus S. Rendra""W.S. Rendra"
labelChange nr2002003832  Q17043988 
"Prestige Institute of Management and Research""Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore"
labelChange n80165241  Q314362 
"Bartolom\u00e9 Mitre""Bartolom\u00e9 Mitro"
labelChange n85166320  Q15505237 
"Olga Mihaylovna Bebutova""Olga Bebutova"
labelChange no2003081857  Q93429186 
"Hijo Tom\u00e1s""Tom\u00e1s Hijo"
labelChange n80107222  Q4244805 
"Aleksandr Mikha\u012dlovich Kuzin""Aleksandr Kuzin"
labelChange sh85033102  Q131777 
labelChange nr2002014218  Q102285423 
"Paul Gavin Blackwell""Paul G Blackwell"
labelChange no95018364  Q751945 
labelChange no95052286  Q4384610 
"Nadiya Puchkivska""Nadezhda Puchkovskaya"
labelChange nb2016021460  Q87401023 
"David Willgren""David Davage"
labelChange sh85111256  Q337487 
labelChange n98046324  Q536614 
"German-Russian Museum""Museum Berlin-Karlshorst"
labelChange n78075584  Q12874541 
"Vasilis Zi\u014dgas""Vasilis Ziogas"
labelChange n78049178  Q14919663 
"Malinau""Malinau Kota"
labelChange sh85086976  Q9159 
labelChange nb2011032093  Q4869748 
"Battersea Dogs and Cats Home""Battersea"
labelChange n50017371  Q112193487 
"L. Harmon Zeigler""Luther Harmon Zeigler"
labelChange no2005071117  Q55713420 
"Marie-Madeleine Rabecq-Maillard""Madeleine Maillard"
labelChange n83169899  Q64658331 
"B. F. Leonard""Benjamin F. Leonard"
labelChange n82136959  Q104746 
"Kronoberg county""Kronoberg County"
labelChange n98930691  Q11093005 
"Andi Mallarangeng""Andi Alfian Mallarangeng"
labelChange nr2001018849  Q508882 
"Hongshan District, Chifeng""Hongshan District"
labelChange sh2009128035  Q11036352 
"juvenile law (Japan)""Juveniles Act"
labelChange n81038569  Q17622534 
"Ministerio de Justicia e Instrucci\u00f3n P\u00fablica""Ministry of Justice and Public Instruction of Argentina"
labelChange nr00034948  Q11656182 
"Seki Semimaru Jinja""Seki Semimaru Shrine"
labelChange n80109382  Q12296592 
"Todor Sto\u012dchev Sto\u012dchev""Todor Sto\u012dchev"
labelChange n50024540  Q50073293 
"Francis Ivan Nye""F. Ivan Nye"
labelChange n84056784  Q15070661 
"Nikola\u012d Kuzin""Nikolay Kuzin"
labelChange n82010587  Q180123 
"Fatima""\u062e\u0644\u064a\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0648\u063a\u0627\u0646\u0645\u064a"
labelChange n89606367  Q15077260 
"V. Smilga""Voldemar Smilga"
labelChange n80069948  Q89745770 
"A Wallace Hayes""A. Wallace Hayes"
labelChange no2019011155  Q19998101 
"Carl August Gustav Riccius""Carl August Riccius"
labelChange n83068213  Q80531562 
"Efim Naumovich Gorodetskii""Efim Gorodetsky"
labelChange n85001521  Q15061436 
"Alekse\u012d Cherkasov""Aleksey Cherkasov"
labelChange n50045223  Q95006819 
"Laszlo Revesz""L\u00e1szl\u00f3 R\u00e9v\u00e9sz"
labelChange no2016137010  Q2537991 
"Werkst\u00e4tten- und Kulturhaus""WIK"
labelChange no96032913  Q20535203 
"Luciano Taxonera Vivanco""Luciano de Taxonera"
labelChange n81086325  Q1703852 
"Jorge Isaacs""Jorge Isaac"
labelChange no98111479  Q3669256 
"Chiesa del Purgatorio""Anime Purganti"
labelChange n96032971  Q28803323 
"Bondor Vilmos""Vilmos Bondor"

Stats History

New Unlink Changes Label Changes
2022-09-07 2232 12 38 99
2022-09-05 462 3 73 51
2022-09-04 794 5 51 68
2022-09-02 715 7 217 113
2022-08-31 301 7 48 75
2022-08-29 136 7 43 50
2022-08-28 342 14 71 93
2022-08-26 470 7 44 71
2022-08-24 1014 14 76 88
2022-08-22 510 7 37 41
2022-08-21 1131 21 86 99
2022-08-19 2555 11 45 81
2022-08-17 1322 2 24 81
2022-08-15 615 4 17 44
2022-08-14 1314 2 11 94
2022-08-12 1295 1 37 63
2022-08-10 1332 4 35 63
2022-08-08 774 7 22 27
2022-08-07 1887 8 31 74
2022-08-05 2553 8 52 84
2022-08-03 1290 8 35 87
2022-08-01 545 5 22 46
2022-07-31 5760 7 42 85
2022-07-29 4442 8 45 90
2022-07-27 871 84 23 84
2022-07-25 238 1 9 61
2022-07-24 335 3 21 59
2022-07-22 506 2 13 120
2022-07-20 415 5 13 98
2022-07-18 173 3 7 47
2022-07-17 377 2 12 68
2022-07-15 375 1 40 108
2022-07-13 351 2 21 84
2022-07-11 183 2 10 35
2022-07-10 323 2 25 69
2022-07-08 402 3 22 85
2022-07-06 327 1 18 116
2022-07-04 268 1 4 47
2022-07-03 590 10 11 78
2022-07-01 413 1 12 75
2022-06-29 459 1 24 86
2022-06-27 255 0 18 51
2022-06-26 570 0 20 85
2022-06-24 455 9 24 118
2022-06-22 579 4 25 124
2022-06-20 166 2 1 36
2022-06-19 321 5 8 106
2022-06-17 391 4 18 102
2022-06-15 343 2 14 79
2022-06-13 310 0 9 24
2022-06-12 342 4 7 294
2022-06-10 309 2 16 82
2022-06-08 323 3 20 73
2022-06-06 146 1 11 39
2022-06-05 624 11 25 139
2022-06-01 301 4 11 72
2022-05-30 171 1 3 41
2022-05-29 351 4 46 79
2022-05-27 246 9 34 79
2022-05-25 308 3 6 91
2022-05-23 128 1 2 55
2022-05-22 257 2 13 105
2022-05-20 334 4 20 95
2022-05-18 355 16 26 107
2022-05-16 139 4 9 40
2022-05-15 416 7 13 79
2022-05-13 373 3 15 92
2022-05-11 300 2 22 85
2022-05-09 202 5 3 59
2022-05-08 301 8 22 82
2022-05-06 395 8 30 88
2022-05-04 280 5 29 66
2022-05-02 142 1 12 33
2022-05-01 350 5 15 73
2022-04-29 530 9 16 110
2022-04-27 433 17 36 86
2022-04-25 157 1 6 48
2022-04-24 416 5 17 87
2022-04-22 443 5 15 65
2022-04-20 405 9 14 66
2022-04-18 134 6 8 39
2022-04-17 343 8 15 89
2022-04-15 399 3 13 79
2022-04-13 337 4 10 63
2022-04-11 137 1 8 49
2022-04-10 496 7 19 63
2022-04-08 400 2 15 86
2022-04-06 451 4 22 71
2022-04-04 304 3 2 43
2022-04-03 408 5 11 74
2022-04-01 426 3 18 77
2022-03-30 556 8 8 93
2022-03-28 142 3 6 50
2022-03-27 395 7 25 69
2022-03-25 497 4 10 77
2022-03-23 362 5 9 73
2022-03-21 131 6 6 36
2022-03-20 361 3 9 64
2022-03-18 330 5 12 88
2022-03-16 310 7 20 81
2022-03-14 146 1 9 48
2022-03-13 249 4 17 92
2022-03-11 338 9 16 66
2022-03-09 418 7 9 89
2022-03-07 196 2 11 30
2022-03-06 345 10 24 98
2022-03-04 352 39 29 78
2022-03-02 284 3 21 66
2022-02-28 635 0 18 64
2022-02-27 326 6 22 126
2022-02-25 290 4 24 80
2022-02-23 287 4 27 74
2022-02-21 164 4 15 65
2022-02-20 310 3 36 109
2022-02-18 303 6 22 89
2022-02-16 405 7 38 77
2022-02-14 165 3 16 50
2022-02-13 244 3 25 63
2022-02-11 327 9 29 65
2022-02-09 344 5 14 87
2022-02-07 107 3 10 34
2022-02-06 279 8 20 61
2022-02-04 293 5 11 77
2022-02-02 302 5 34 98
2022-01-31 148 3 15 44
2022-01-30 354 7 47 92
2022-01-28 436 14 46 102
2022-01-26 302 13 30 109
2022-01-24 187 2 11 60
2022-01-23 430 3 15 100
2022-01-21 476 4 15 91
2022-01-19 472 8 21 90
2022-01-17 258 4 13 63
2022-01-16 388 8 26 92
2022-01-14 357 1 17 107
2022-01-12 420 6 21 97
2022-01-10 169 3 10 51
2022-01-09 318 8 18 103
2022-01-07 350 4 13 83
2022-01-05 398 5 19 89
2022-01-03 139 1 8 49
2022-01-02 356 5 12 83
2021-12-31 389 8 22 77
2021-12-29 429 3 11 74
2021-12-27 130 5 6 30
2021-12-26 261 11 19 72
2021-12-24 316 3 23 76
2021-12-22 1873 8 19 65
2021-12-20 116 1 9 29
2021-12-19 646 4 19 117
2021-12-17 698 5 11 97
2021-12-15 4701 3 11 86
2021-12-13 137 3 5 47
2021-12-12 575 3 18 88
2021-12-10 401 7 12 359
2021-12-08 309 5 30 86
2021-12-06 140 7 10 47
2021-12-05 274 10 18 95
2021-12-03 3257 6 44 135
2021-12-01 927 8 9 94
2021-11-29 157 2 21 36
2021-11-28 253 3 12 74
2021-11-26 264 6 9 78
2021-11-24 311 19 30 91
2021-11-22 174 4 11 81
2021-11-21 338 8 14 93
2021-11-19 404 14 17 121
2021-11-17 385 13 18 125
2021-11-15 156 6 3 51
2021-11-14 589 13 22 99
2021-11-12 351 4 18 94
2021-11-10 547 9 16 92
2021-11-08 160 6 4 46
2021-11-07 324 5 12 67
2021-11-05 380 9 18 82
2021-11-03 507 6 8 133
2021-11-01 144 3 57 37
2021-10-31 387 5 36 76
2021-10-29 424 7 26 68
2021-10-27 395 8 8 67
2021-10-25 163 3 24 25
2021-10-24 500 8 11 97
2021-10-22 379 3 13 93
2021-10-20 530 5 17 95
2021-10-18 246 3 8 48
2021-10-17 344 19 14 68
2021-10-15 3903 63 127 754
2021-09-29 566 9 14 205
2021-09-26 415 12 16 85
2021-09-24 564 17 17 110
2021-09-22 362 17 12 115
2021-09-20 314 7 5 59
2021-09-19 552 20 18 106
2021-09-17 388 14 10 146
2021-09-15 353 12 16 123
2021-09-13 261 12 13 52
2021-09-12 415 16 12 126
2021-09-10 261 14 19 79
2021-09-08 262 11 15 94
2021-09-06 158 27 6 55
2021-09-05 246 16 10 64
2021-09-03 347 20 11 92
2021-09-01 325 6 9 94
2021-08-30 169 15 6 40
2021-08-29 376 21 19 128
2021-08-27 342 36 16 122
2021-08-25 333 10 14 82
2021-08-23 168 39 6 38
2021-08-22 287 14 14 63
2021-08-20 283 18 15 78
2021-08-18 354 25 11 60
2021-08-16 136 9 5 88
2021-08-15 70306 1294 3162 12664