The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > BIBFRAME LC Extension Ontology

BIBFRAME LC Extension Ontology

| | BIBFRAME 2 List View | | BIBFRAME 2 Category View | | BIBFRAME LC Extension List View | |
BIBFRAME Logo This single-page view presents the extension vocabulary on one page with an ordered list of classes and properties, followed by more detailed information panels further down the document. All of the bibframe ontology at bibframe.rdf is imported, as are the relators at relators.rdf. Links are internal to the page, and the browser back button can reverse navigation on the page.
To view the BIBFRAME extension vocabulary in rdf, use bflc.rdf.

Class List

Property List



Class: bflc:AppliesTo

Label: Applies to

Definition: The component of a resource to which a characteristic applies.

Used with: appliesTo

Example: 10000816 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Instance rdf:about="" >
<bf:provisionActivity >
<bf:ProvisionActivity >
<bflc:appliesTo >
<bflc:appliesTo >
<bflc:AppliesTo >
<rdfs:label >1880-1883</rdfs:label>
Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:CaptureStorage

Label: Capture and Storage Technique

Definition: Specifies the sound capture and storage technique used on a sound recording resource.

SubClass Of: bf:SoundCharacteristic

Example: 10001668 Conversion: 2.7.0
Change Notes: 2019-05-20: New
2023-11-30: Added to BF
2024-07-10: Deprecated

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:CreatorCharacteristic

Label: Creator characteristic

Definition: Category to which the creators of the resource belong.

Used with: creatorCharacteristic

Example: 10468312 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Work rdf:about="" >
<bflc:creatorCharacteristic >
<bflc:CreatorCharacteristic >
<rdfs:label >Iranians</rdfs:label>
<bf:source >
<bf:Source rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >Library of Congress demographic group term and code list</rdfs:label>
Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:DemographicGroup

Label: Demographic group

Definition: Characteristics of a group of agents.

Used with: demographicGroup

Controlled list:
Example: 11040072 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Work rdf:about="" >
<bf:intendedAudience >
<bf:IntendedAudience >
<rdfs:label >Christian Scientists</rdfs:label>
<bflc:demographicGroup >
<bflc:DemographicGroup rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >Religious group</rdfs:label>
<bf:source >
<bf:Source rdf:about="" >
<bf:code >lcdgt</bf:code>
Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:Deprecated

Label: Deprecated

Definition: The resource has been deprecated

Change Notes: 2022-10-03: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:EncodingLevel

Label: Encoding level

Definition: Designation of the fullness of the bibliographic description.

Used with: encodingLevel

Example: 5226 Conversion: 2.3.0
<bf:Work rdf:about="" >
<bf:adminMetadata >
<bf:AdminMetadata >
<bflc:encodingLevel >
<bflc:encodingLevel >
<bflc:EncodingLevel rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >full</rdfs:label>
Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:GovernmentPubType

Label: Government Publication Type

Definition: Information recording that the resource is published or produced by or for an international, national, state, provincial, or local government agency, or by any subdivision of such a body.

Used with: governmentPubType

Example: 100000 Conversion: 2.7.0
Change Notes: 2020-03-09: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:GrooveCutting

Label: Groove cutting

Definition: Kind of cutting of the grooves used on a disc whose sound reproduction process involves a cutting head inscribing a modulated groove into the surface of a rotating cylinder or disc.

SubClass Of: bf:SoundCharacteristic

Change Notes: 2018-07-12: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:ImageBitDepth

Label: Image bit depth

Definition: The number of bits used to represent each pixel in an image.

SubClass Of: bf:DigitalCharacteristic

Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:MachineModel

Label: Model

Definition: Model of the computing device on which the resource operates.

SubClass Of: bf:SystemRequirement

Example: 11362521 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Instance rdf:about="" >
<bf:systemRequirement >
<bflc:MachineModel >
<rdfs:label >IBM Personal Computer</rdfs:label>
Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:MetadataLicensor

Label: Metadata licensor

Definition: Organization that licenses the intellectual property rights to the data contained in the description.

SubClass Of: bf:Agent

Used with: metadataLicensor

Example: 12136598 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Instance >
<bf:adminMetadata >
<bf:AdminMetadata >
<bflc:metadataLicensor >
<bflc:metadataLicensor >
<bflc:MetadataLicensor >
<rdfs:label >UkLCURL</rdfs:label>
Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:MovingImageTechnique

Label: Moving Image Technique

Definition: Specifies the technique used in creating motion in motion pictures or videorecordings.

Used with: movingImageTechnique

Example: 10316710 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Work rdf:about="" >
<bflc:movingImageTechnique >
<bflc:MovingImageTechnique rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >live action</rdfs:label>
Change Notes: 2020-02-13: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:OperatingSystem

Label: Operating system

Definition: Software that directly operates a system's hardware and serves as a platform for applications.

SubClass Of: bf:SystemRequirement

Example: 11403756 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Instance rdf:about="" >
<bf:systemRequirement >
<bflc:OperatingSystem >
<rdfs:label >DOS 2.1 or higher.</rdfs:label>
Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:PrimaryContribution

Label: Primary contribution

Definition: Contribution for which the agent is the name chosen as the name part of the name and title access point.

SubClass Of: bf:Contribution

Example: 10001388 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Work >
<xml:comment >See bf:PrimaryContribution on the main ontology.</xml:comment>
Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New
2023-11-30: Added to BF
2024-07-10: Deprecated

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:ProgrammingLanguage

Label: Programming language

Definition: Name of the programming language associated with the data comprising the resource.

SubClass Of: bf:SystemRequirement

Example: 13127430 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Instance rdf:about="" >
<bf:systemRequirement >
<bflc:ProgrammingLanguage >
<rdfs:label >Windows 95 or above</rdfs:label>
Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:Relation

Label: Relation

Definition: Connection between resources.

Used with: relation

Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New
2024-07-10: Moved to BF

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:Relationship

Label: Relationship

Definition: Resource and its connection to another resource.

Used with: relationship

Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New
2024-07-10: Moved to BF

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:Relief

Label: Relief

Definition: Relief term specified on a cartographic resource

Used with: relief

Controlled list:
Example: 10017006 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Work rdf:about="" >
<xml:comment >See under bf:relief in the main bibframe ontology.</xml:comment>
<bf:cartographicAttributes >
<bf:Cartographic >
<bf:relief >
<bf:Relief rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >Hachures</rdfs:label>
Change Notes: 2019-05-07: New
2023-11-30: Added to BF
2024-07-10: Deprecated

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:SecondaryInstance

Label: Secondary Instance

Definition: Instance created when a single MARC record is split into multiple MARC records for conversion to BIBFRAME; used to connect multiple Instance resources to a single Work

SubClass Of: bf:Instance

Example: 20935256-85X-2 Conversion:
<bf:Instance rdf:about="" >
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<bf:carrier >
<bf:Carrier rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >online resource</rdfs:label>
<bf:title >
<bf:Title >
<bf:mainTitle >Seasly-Smith, Alison.</bf:mainTitle>
<bf:electronicLocator rdf:resource="" />
<dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource="" />
Change Notes: 2023-11-30: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:SerialPubType

Label: Serial Publication Type

Definition: Information recording the type of continuing resource.

Used with: serialPubType

Example: 19112984 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Work rdf:about="" >
<bflc:serialPubType >
<bflc:SerialPubType rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >periodical</rdfs:label>
Change Notes: 2020-03-18: New

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Class: bflc:SeriesAnalysis

Label: Series analysis

Definition: A specific organization's analysis practice for a series named in the bf:title field for a work. May also contain the volumes/dates and/or the institution/copy identification to which the practice applies.

SubClass Of: SeriesTreatment

Change Notes: 2018-10-12: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:SeriesClassification

Label: Series classification

Definition: A specific organization's classification practice for a series named in the bf:title field for a work. May also contain the volumes/dates and/or the institution/copy identification to which the practice applies.

SubClass Of: SeriesTreatment

Change Notes: 2018-10-12: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:SeriesNumbering

Label: Series numbering

Definition: Sequential designation or numbering used in the bf:title field for a work.

SubClass Of: SeriesTreatment

Change Notes: 2018-10-12: New

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Class: bflc:SeriesNumberingPeculiarities

Label: Series numbering peculiarities

Definition: Listing of irregularities in the report year coverage and/or numbering used in the bf:title field for a work. May also include a citation for the source of information.

SubClass Of: SeriesTreatment

Change Notes: 2018-10-12: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:SeriesProvider

Label: Series provider

Definition: Place of publication and the name of the publisher/issuing body used in the bf:title field for a work.

SubClass Of: SeriesTreatment

Change Notes: 2018-10-12: New

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Class: bflc:SeriesSequentialDesignation

Label: Series sequential designation

Definition: Beginning/ending date(s) of publication and/or sequential designations used in the bf:title field for a work. May also include a citation for the source of information.

SubClass Of: SeriesTreatment

Change Notes: 2018-10-12: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:SeriesTracing

Label: Series tracing

Definition: A specific organization's tracing practice for a series named in the bf:title field for a work. May also contain the volumes/dates and/or the institution/copy identification to which the practice applies.

SubClass Of: SeriesTreatment

Change Notes: 2018-10-12: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:SeriesTreatment

Label: Series treatment

Definition: Technical specification relating to the encoding of series data in a resource

Used with: seriesTreatment

SubClassed As: SeriesSequentialDesignation

Change Notes: 2018-10-12: New

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:TransliteratedTitle

Label: Transliterated title

Definition: Title transliterated from one script to another.

SubClass Of: bf:VariantTitle

Change Notes: 2018-07-12: New
2023-11-30: Added to BF
2024-07-10: Deprecated

[back to class list] [back to top]
Class: bflc:Uncontrolled

Label: Uncontrolled

Definition: Component of the resource that is not under authority control

Example: 21641945 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Work rdf:about="" >
<bf:relation >
<bf:Relation >
<bf:relationship rdf:resource="" />
<bf:seriesEnumeration >17</bf:seriesEnumeration>
<bf:associatedResource >
<bf:Series >
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<bf:status >
<bf:Status rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >transcribed</rdfs:label>
<bf:title >
<bf:Title >
<bf:mainTitle >Colección La Corte en Europa. Temas ;</bf:mainTitle>
Change Notes: 2021-11-02: New

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Property: aap      

Label: Authorized access point

Definition: A text string that represents the label of the resource. It could be a name/title combination, but could also include additional fields to make it unique within the catalog.

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Expected Value: rdfs:Literal

Example: 18763259 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Work rdf:about="" >
<xml:comment >properties truncated from original</xml:comment>
<bflc:aap >Men̲, āp aur vuh ميں، آپ اور وه</bflc:aap>
Change Notes: 2021-11-02: New

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Property: aap-normalized      

Label: Normalized authorized access point

Definition: Normalized version of the authorized access point with spaces, capitalization, and punctuation removed.

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Expected Value: rdfs:Literal

Example: 18763259 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Work rdf:about="" >
<xml:comment >properties truncated from original</xml:comment>
<bflc:aap-normalized >men̲āpaurvuhميں،آپاوروه</bflc:aap-normalized>
Change Notes: 2021-11-02: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: applicableInstitution      

Label: Applicable institution

Definition: Institutional location of a resource to which a particular piece of description applies.

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Expected Value: bf:Agent

Example: 10361973 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Instance rdf:about="" >
<bf:immediateAcquisition >
<bf:ImmediateAcquisition >
<rdfs:label >Gift James S. Gale March 24, 1927.</rdfs:label>
<bflc:appliesTo >
<bflc:AppliesTo >
<rdfs:label >Copy 1</rdfs:label>
<bflc:applicableInstitution >
<madsrdf:CorporateName rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >United States, Library of Congress</rdfs:label>
Controlled list:
Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: appliesTo      

Label: Applies to

Definition: The component of a resource to which a characteristic applies.

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Expected Value: AppliesTo

Example: 10000816 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Instance rdf:about="" >
<bf:provisionActivity >
<bf:ProvisionActivity >
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<bf:status >
<bf:Status rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >earliest</rdfs:label>
<bflc:appliesTo >
<bflc:AppliesTo >
<rdfs:label >1880-1883</rdfs:label>
<bflc:simplePlace >Milwaukee, Wis</bflc:simplePlace>
<bflc:simpleAgent >C. Dörflinger</bflc:simpleAgent>
<bflc:simpleDate >[1879]-</bflc:simpleDate>
Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: catalogerId      

Label: Cataloger ID

Definition: ID of the cataloger who created or edited the description.

Used with: bf:AdminMetadata

Expected Value: rdfs:Literal

Example: 22959054 Conversion: 2.3.0
<bf:Instance rdf:about="" >
<bf:adminMetadata >
<bf:AdminMetadata >
<bf:descriptionAuthentication >
<bf:DescriptionAuthentication rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >Program for Cooperative Cataloging</rdfs:label>
<bflc:catalogerId >nalf</bflc:catalogerId>
<bflc:procInfo >update instance</bflc:procInfo>
<bflc:encodingLevel >
<bflc:EncodingLevel rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >full</rdfs:label>
<bflc:profile >lc:RT:bf2:Monograph:Work</bflc:profile>
Change Notes: 2018-07-12: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: creatorCharacteristic      

Label: Creator characteristic

Definition: Category to which the creators of the resource belong.

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Expected Value: CreatorCharacteristic

Example: 22641389.rdf Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Work rdf:about="" >
<xml:comment >properties truncated from original</xml:comment>
<bflc:creatorCharacteristic >
<bflc:CreatorCharacteristic >
<rdfs:label >Females</rdfs:label>
<bf:source >
<bf:Source rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >Library of Congress demographic group term and code list</rdfs:label>
Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: demographicGroup      

Label: Demographic group

Definition: Characteristics of a group of agents.

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Expected Value: DemographicGroup

Example: 11040072 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Work rdf:about="" >
<bf:intendedAudience >
<bf:IntendedAudience >
<rdfs:label >Christian Scientists</rdfs:label>
<bflc:demographicGroup >
<madsrdf:MADSCollection rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label xml:lang="en" >Religion [rel]</rdfs:label>
<bf:source >
<madsrdf:Authority rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >Library of Congress demographic group term and code list</rdfs:label>
Controlled list:
Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: distributionStatement      

Label: Distribution statement

Definition: Statement related to the distribution of the resource; usually transcribed.

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

SubProperty Of: bf:provisionActivityStatement

Expected Value: rdfs:Literal

Example: 10096888 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Instance rdf:about="" >
<xml:comment >properties truncated from original</xml:comment>
<bflc:distributionStatement >[New York]: Sold at the New-York office of the Princeton review, 530 Broadway</bflc:distributionStatement>
Change Notes: 2022-10-04: New
2024-07-10: Moved to BF

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: encodingLevel      

Label: Encoding level

Definition: Designation of the fullness of the bibliographic description.

Used with: bf:AdminMetadata

Expected Value: EncodingLevel

Example: 22959054 Conversion:
<bf:Work rdf:about="" >
<bf:adminMetadata >
<bf:AdminMetadata >
<bf:descriptionAuthentication >
<bf:DescriptionAuthentication rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >Program for Cooperative Cataloging</rdfs:label>
<bflc:catalogerId >nalf</bflc:catalogerId>
<bflc:procInfo >update instance</bflc:procInfo>
<bflc:encodingLevel >
<bflc:EncodingLevel rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >full</rdfs:label>
Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: governmentPubType      

Label: Government publication type

Definition: Information recording that the resource is published or produced by or for an international, national, state, provincial, or local government agency, or by any subdivision of such a body.

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Expected Value: GovernmentPubType

Example: 100000 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Work rdf:about="" >
<xml:comment >properties truncated from original</xml:comment>
<bflc:governmentPubType rdf:resource="" />
Controlled list:
Change Notes: 2020-03-09: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: indexedIn      

Label: Indexed in

Definition: Citation to the resource where the material being described is indexed.

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Example: 10085767 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Work rdf:about="" >
<xml:comment >properties truncated from original</xml:comment>
<bflc:indexedIn >
<bf:Work >
<bflc:aap >Shaw & Shoemaker</bflc:aap>
<bf:title >
<bf:Title >
<bf:mainTitle >Shaw & Shoemaker</bf:mainTitle>
Change Notes: 2018-07-12: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: manufactureStatement      

Label: Manufacture statement

Definition: Statement related to the manufacture of the resource; usually transcribed.

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

SubProperty Of: bf:provisionActivityStatement

Expected Value: rdfs:Literal

Example: 1000679 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Instance rdf:about="" >
<xml:comment >properties truncated from original</xml:comment>
<bflc:manufactureStatement >Nashville: Parthenon Press</bflc:manufactureStatement>
Change Notes: 2022-10-04: New
2024-07-10: Moved to BF

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: marcKey      

Label: MARC key for headings

Definition: String to store MARC data

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Expected Value: rdfs:Literal

Example: 22959054 Conversion:
<bf:Work rdf:about="" >
<bflc:aap >Calveiro, Marcos S., 1968-</bflc:aap>
<bflc:aap-normalized >calveiromarcoss1968</bflc:aap-normalized>
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<bf:contribution >
<bflc:PrimaryContribution >
<bf:agent >
<bf:Agent rdf:about="" >
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<rdfs:label >Calveiro, Marcos S., 1968-</rdfs:label>
<bflc:marcKey >1001 $aCalveiro, Marcos S.,$d1968-</bflc:marcKey>
Change Notes: 2022-10-03: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: metadataLicensor      

Label: Metadata licensor

Definition: Organization that licenses the intellectual property rights to the data contained in the description.

Used with: bf:AdminMetadata

Expected Value: MetadataLicensor

Example: 12136598 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Instance >
<bf:adminMetadata >
<bf:AdminMetadata >
<bflc:metadataLicensor >
<bflc:MetadataLicensor >
<rdfs:label >UkLCURL</rdfs:label>
<bf:assigner >
<bf:Organization rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >Gunn Memorial Library</rdfs:label>
<bf:descriptionAuthentication >
<bf:DescriptionAuthentication rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >LC Copy Cataloging</rdfs:label>
Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: movingImageTechnique      

Label: Moving Image Technique

Definition: Information recording the technique used in creating motion in motion pictures or videorecordings.

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Expected Value: MovingImageTechnique

Example: 10316710 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Work rdf:about="" >
<xml:comment >properties truncated from original</xml:comment>
<bflc:movingImageTechnique >
<bflc:MovingImageTechnique rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >live action</rdfs:label>
Controlled list:
Change Notes: 2020-02-13: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: nonSortNum      

Label: Non-sort character count

Definition: Number of characters at the start of a label that should be skipped for indexing and sorting.

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Expected Value: rdfs:Literal

Change Notes: 2022-10-04: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: procInfo      

Label: Processing Info

Definition: System-supplied processing information for the BIBFRAME description (e.g. "ibc update").

Used with: bf:AdminMetadata

Expected Value: rdfs:Literal

Example: 22959054 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Work rdf:about="" >
<bf:adminMetadata >
<bf:AdminMetadata >
<bf:descriptionAuthentication >
<bf:DescriptionAuthentication rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >Program for Cooperative Cataloging</rdfs:label>
<bflc:catalogerId >nalf</bflc:catalogerId>
<bflc:procInfo >update instance</bflc:procInfo>
<bflc:encodingLevel >
<bflc:EncodingLevel rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >full</rdfs:label>
<bflc:profile >lc:RT:bf2:Monograph:Work</bflc:profile>
Change Notes: 2018-07-12: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: productionStatement      

Label: Production statement

Definition: Statement related to the production of the resource; usually transcribed.

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

SubProperty Of: bf:provisionActivityStatement

Expected Value: rdfs:Literal

Example: 10651627 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Instance rdf:about="" >
<xml:comment >properties truncated from original</xml:comment>
<bflc:productionStatement >Otley, Yorks, England: G.J. Greenwood; -1967</bflc:productionStatement>
Change Notes: 2022-10-04: New
2024-07-10: Moved to BF

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: profile      

Label: LC Editor profile

Definition: Name of the BIBFRAME editor profile used to create or edit the description.

Used with: bf:AdminMetadata

Expected Value: rdfs:Literal

Example: 10651627 Conversion: 2.7.0
Change Notes: 2018-07-12: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: projectedProvisionDate      

Label: Projected publication date

Definition: Projected date of publication of the resource.

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Expected Value: date

Example: 1005173 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Instance rdf:about="" >
<xml:comment >properties truncated from original</xml:comment>
<bflc:projectedProvisionDate >201001</bflc:projectedProvisionDate>
Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: publicationStatement      

Label: Publication statement

Definition: Statement related to the publication of the resource; ususally transcribed.

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

SubProperty Of: bf:provisionActivityStatement

Expected Value: rdfs:Literal

Example: 10000033 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Instance rdf:about="" >
<xml:comment >properties truncated from original</xml:comment>
<bflc:publicationStatement >1880, c1879</bflc:publicationStatement>
Change Notes: 2022-10-04: New
2024-07-10: Moved to BF

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: readMarc382      

Label: Read-only 382 field

Definition: String representing the medium of performance information located in the 382 field of the original MARC record

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Change Notes: 2021-11-02: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: relation      

Label: Specific relationship

Definition: Connection between resources.

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Expected Value: Relation

Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New
2024-07-10: Moved to BF

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: relationship      

Label: Related resource and relationship

Definition: Resource and its connection to another resource.

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Expected Value: Relationship

Change Notes: 2017-02-02: New
2024-07-10: Moved to BF

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: relief      

Label: Relief

Definition: Relief term specified on a cartographic resource

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Expected Value: Relief

Example: 10017006 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Work >
<xml:comment >See under bf:relief in the main bibframe ontology.</xml:comment>
<bf:cartographicAttributes >
<bf:Cartographic >
<bf:relief >
<bf:Relief rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >Hachures</rdfs:label>
Controlled list:
Change Notes: 2019-05-07: New
2023-11-30: Added to BF
2024-07-10: Deprecated

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: serialPubType      

Label: Serial publication type

Definition: Information recording the type of continuing resource.

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Expected Value: SerialPubType

Example: 19112984 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Work rdf:about="" >
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<bf:title >
<bf:Title >
<bf:mainTitle >... IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications</bf:mainTitle>
<bflc:serialPubType >
<bflc:SerialPubType rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label >periodical</rdfs:label>
Change Notes: 2020-03-18: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: seriesTreatment      

Label: Series treatment

Definition: Information concerning the treatment of a series in a resource

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Expected Value: SeriesTreatment

Change Notes: 2018-10-12: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: simpleAgent      

Label: Agent

Definition: Name of publisher, distributor, manufacturer or producer as transcribed from the resource

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Expected Value: rdfs:Literal

Example: 10000054 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Instance rdf:about="" >
<bf:provisionActivity >
<bf:ProvisionActivity >
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<bf:date rdf:datatype="" >1830</bf:date>
<bf:place >
<bf:Place rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label xml:lang="en" >United States</rdfs:label>
<bflc:simplePlace >[United States]</bflc:simplePlace>
<bflc:simpleAgent >[s.n.]</bflc:simpleAgent>
<bflc:simpleDate >[1830]</bflc:simpleDate>
Change Notes: 2022-10-03: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: simpleDate      

Label: Date

Definition: Date of publication, distribution, manufacture or production as transcribed from the resource

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Expected Value: rdfs:Literal

Example: 10000022 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Instance rdf:about="" >
<bf:provisionActivity >
<bf:ProvisionActivity >
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<bf:date rdf:datatype="" >1911</bf:date>
<bf:place >
<bf:Place rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label xml:lang="en" >Missouri</rdfs:label>
<bflc:simplePlace >[Kansas City]</bflc:simplePlace>
<bflc:simpleDate >[1911?]</bflc:simpleDate>
Change Notes: 2022-10-03: New

[back to property list] [back to top]
Property: simplePlace      

Label: Place

Definition: Location of publication, distribution, manufacture or production as transcribed from the resource

Used with: Used with Work, Instance or Item

Expected Value: rdfs:Literal

Example: 10000022 Conversion: 2.7.0
<bf:Instance rdf:about="" >
<bf:provisionActivity >
<bf:ProvisionActivity >
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<bf:date rdf:datatype="" >1911</bf:date>
<bf:place >
<bf:Place rdf:about="" >
<rdfs:label xml:lang="en" >Missouri</rdfs:label>
<bflc:simplePlace >[Kansas City]</bflc:simplePlace>
<bflc:simpleDate >[1911?]</bflc:simpleDate>
Change Notes: 2022-10-03: New

[back to property list] [back to top]

Deleted Classes

    Deleted Properties

    • alternateMediumOfPerformance
    • target
    • name00MatchKey
    • name10MatchKey
    • name11MatchKey
    • name00MarcKey
    • name10MarcKey
    • name11MarcKey
    • primaryContributorName00MatchKey
    • primaryContributorName10MatchKey
    • primaryContributorName11MatchKey
    • title00MatchKey
    • title10MatchKey
    • title11MatchKey
    • title30MatchKey
    • title40MatchKey
    • title00MarcKey
    • title10MarcKey
    • title11MarcKey
    • title30MarcKey
    • title40MarcKey
    • titleSortKey
  • Alternate Formats