The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Name Authority File (LCNAF)

Intellectual Co-operation Organisation

  • [The Intellectual Co-operation Organisation (Organisation de coopération intellectuelle, or OCI) was officially established September 24, 1931, by the League of Nations. The Organisation was comprised of three main, already existing components: the International Committee on Intellectual Co-operation (Commission internationale de coopération intellectuelle, or CICI), the International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation (Institut international de coopération intellectuelle, or IICI), and the International Educational Cinematographic Institute (Institut international du cinématographe éducatif, or IICE). The IICE was disbanded in Decmeber 1937, when Italy left the League of Nations. With the onset of the Second World War, the CICI met for the final time in 1939, soon followed by the closure of the IICI in 1940. The IICI reopened in February 1945 and permanently closed at the end of 1946, after transferring its archives, property, and functions to the newly formed United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Although no longer active, the CICI was officially dissolved with the creation of UNESCO. With the CICI and the IICI dissolved, the final vestiges of the OCI ceased to exist, but its mission would be continued by UNESCO.]
  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • I.C.O. (Intellectual Co-operation Organisation)
    • ICO (Intellectual Co-operation Organisation)
    • Intellectual Cooperation Organisation
    • International Organisation of Intellectual Co-operation
    • League of Nations. Intellectual Co-operation Organisation
    • League of Nations' Intellectual Co-operation Organisation
    • League of Nations. Intellectual Cooperation Organisation
    • League of Nations. Organisation de coopération intellectuelle
    • O.C.I. (Organisation de coopération intellectuelle)
    • OCI (Organisation de coopération intellectuelle)
    • Organisation de coopération intellectuelle
    • Organisation for Intellectual Co-operation
    • Organisation for Intellectual Cooperation
  • Identifies LC/NAF RWO

  • Identifies RWO

        • Additional Related Forms

        • Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

        • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

        • Sources

          • found: Information bulletin (Intellectual Co-operation Organisation), Apr. 1932:t.p. (League of Nations' Intellectual Co-operation Organisation) t.p. verso (International Organisation of Intellectual Co-operation) p. 2 (the League's Organisation for Intellectual Co-operation) p. 4 (comprised of the International Committee on Intellectual Co-operation, the Intellectual Co-operation Section of the Geneva Secretariat, and the International Institute [of Intellectual Co-operation] in Paris)
          • found: United Nations Library & Archives (website), viewed 29 November, 2022:[authority record for: Intellectual Cooperation and International Bureaux Section] (in 1920 the Assembly was considering the possible setting-up of a technical organization attached to the League of Nations: the Intellectual Cooperation Organisation; it was composed of: the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation set up in 1922, which was the advisory organ of the Assembly and the Council ... the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation, set up in Paris in 1924 ... began work in 1926. As the executive organ of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation, it carried out the Committee's decisions and recommendations; the International Educational Cinematographic Institute ... created in Rome in 1928 ... worked in close collaboration with the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation in Paris; The Intellectual Cooperation Organisation, whose principal organ was the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation, operated from 1922 to 1946. Its work has been carried on by UNESCO) -;isaar?sf_culture=en
          • found: Les réseaux de la coopération intellectuelle, 2018 (archived 12 September, 2018), viewed 29 November, 2022:page 7 (OCI, Organisation de coopération intellectuelle (CICI+IICI); CICI, Commission internationale de coopération intellectuelle (Genève); IICI, Institut international de coopération intellectuelle (Paris); IICE, Institut international du cinématographe éducatif (Rome)) pages 480-481 (Organisation de coopération intellectuelle; les personnes concernées de rédiger une résolution à ce sujet, celle-ci est adoptée sans débat avant la clôture de la session, le 25 juillet; texte de la résolution est révélateur de la confiance retrouvée: émettant le vœu "que l'Assemblée reconnaisse expressément l'existence de l'Organisation de coopération intellectuelle", constituée de la CICI, de l'IICI, de l'IICE et des commissions nationales; l'existence de la nouvelle Organisation de coopération intellectuelle, est adopté le 4 septembre 1931 et transmis à l'Assemblée qui fait de même le 24 septembre) -
          • found: Wikipedia (English), viewed 29 November, 2022:International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation (International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation, sometimes League of Nations Committee on Intellectual Cooperation; Established in 1922; The committee was the predecessor to UNESCO, and all of its properties were transferred to that organisation in 1946; Geneva; International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation (ICIC) was formally established in August 1922; last session took place in 1939, but the CICI was only formally dissolved in 1946, like the League of Nations; To support the work of the commission in Geneva, the organization was offered assistance from France to establish an executive branch, the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation (IIIC), in Paris in 1926; As a result of the Second World War, the institute was closed from 1940 to 1944. It re-opened briefly from 1945 to 1946. When it closed for good in 1946, UNESCO inherited its archives and some parts of its mission) -
          • found: L'UNESCO oubliée, viewed 29 November, 2022:Chapitre IV. La disparition de l'OCI (1940-1946) (La liquidation de l'IICI (1945-1946); la liquidation prévue officiellement le 31 décembre 1946; À cette date, l'effacement de l'IICI au profit de l'UNESCO est chose faite, non sans qu'ait été reconnue la filiation entre les deux organisations; Sur le plan matériel, le 19 novembre 1946, jour d'ouverture de la 1ère Conférence générale de l'UNESCO, l'Assemblée générale de l'ONU adopte une résolution autorisant l'UNESCO à utiliser les avoirs de l'IICI (bibliothèque, archives, publications et mobilier, transférés par la SDN à l'ONU en août) et rendue effective après un accord intervenu le 19 décembre entre l'IICI et l'UNESCO) -
          • found: BnF Data (website), viewed 29 November, 2022:Institut international du cinéma éducatif (dissout le 31-12-1937 après le retrait de l'Italie de la SDN) -
          • found: Journal of modern European history, vol. 12, no. 3 (2014), viewed 29 November, 2022:page 343 (Intellectual Cooperation Organisation (ICO)) -
        • General Notes

          • [The Intellectual Co-operation Organisation (Organisation de coopération intellectuelle, or OCI) was officially established September 24, 1931, by the League of Nations. The Organisation was comprised of three main, already existing components: the International Committee on Intellectual Co-operation (Commission internationale de coopération intellectuelle, or CICI), the International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation (Institut international de coopération intellectuelle, or IICI), and the International Educational Cinematographic Institute (Institut international du cinématographe éducatif, or IICE). The IICE was disbanded in Decmeber 1937, when Italy left the League of Nations. With the onset of the Second World War, the CICI met for the final time in 1939, soon followed by the closure of the IICI in 1940. The IICI reopened in February 1945 and permanently closed at the end of 1946, after transferring its archives, property, and functions to the newly formed United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Although no longer active, the CICI was officially dissolved with the creation of UNESCO. With the CICI and the IICI dissolved, the final vestiges of the OCI ceased to exist, but its mission would be continued by UNESCO.]
        • Instance Of

        • Scheme Membership(s)

        • Collection Membership(s)

        • Change Notes

          • 1995-07-05: new
          • 2022-12-23: revised
        • Alternate Formats