Frye, Northrop
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1912-07-14
Death Date
- 1991-01-23
Has Affiliation
- Organization: Victoria College (Toronto, Ont.)
Has Affiliation
- Organization: Royal Society of Canada
- Companion of the Order of Canada
Birth Place
- Sherbrooke (Québec)
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- Adamson, Joseph, 1950- Northro
- Ayre, John Northrop Frye
- Bates, Ronald, 1924- Northrop
- Centre and labyrinth
- Cook, David, 1946- Northrop Fr
- Cotrupi, Caterina Nella, 1953-
- Denham, Robert D. Northrop Fry
- Denham, Robert D. The Northrop
- Dueck, Calvin, 1961- A critica
- Dyrkjøb, Jan Ulrik, 1944- Nort
- Educating the imagination
- Feltracco, Daniela Northrop Fr
- Frye, Northrop Collected works
- Frye, Northrop On education
- Gorak, Jan, 1952- The making o
- Johnsen, William A. Violence a
- Kogan, Pauline Northrop Frye:
- Kostelanetz, Richard Three Can
- Manganaro, Marc, 1955- Myth, r
- Powe, B. W. (Bruce W.), 1955-
- Remembering Northrop Frye
- Rereading Frye
- Sauerberg, Lars Ole, 1950- Ver
- The Toronto school of communic
- Todaro, Letterio Formazione e
- Contributor to
- Centre and labyrinth
- English Institute Romanticism
- Frye, Northrop A glorious and
- Frye, Northrop A natural persp
- Frye, Northrop A natural persp
- Frye, Northrop A study of Engl
- Frye, Northrop A world in a gr
- Frye, Northrop Anatomy of crit
- Frye, Northrop Anatomy of crit
- Frye, Northrop Anatomy of crit
- Frye, Northrop Anaṭomyah shel
- Frye, Northrop Biblical and cl
- Frye, Northrop Blake
- Frye, Northrop Collected works
- Frye, Northrop Creation and re
- Frye, Northrop Cultura e miti
- Frye, Northrop Divisions on a
- Frye, Northrop Fables of ident
- Frye, Northrop Fearful symmetr
- Frye, Northrop Fearful symmetr
- Frye, Northrop Five essays on
- Frye, Northrop Fools of time
- Frye, Northrop Hihyō no kaibō
- Frye, Northrop Il grande codic
- Frye, Northrop Myth and metaph
- Frye, Northrop No uncertain so
- Frye, Northrop Northrop Frye
- Frye, Northrop Northrop Frye i
- Frye, Northrop Northrop Frye o
- Frye, Northrop Northrop Frye u
- Frye, Northrop Northrop Frye's
- Frye, Northrop On education
- Frye, Northrop On teaching lit
- Frye, Northrop Reading the wor
- Frye, Northrop Shakespeares Vo
- Frye, Northrop Some reflection
- Frye, Northrop Spiritus mundi
- Frye, Northrop T. S. Eliot
- Frye, Northrop T. S. Eliot
- Frye, Northrop T. S. Eliot
- Frye, Northrop The bush garden
- Frye, Northrop The bush garden
- Frye, Northrop The critical pa
- Frye, Northrop The double visi
- Frye, Northrop The educated im
- Frye, Northrop The educated im
- Frye, Northrop The eternal act
- Frye, Northrop The great code
- Frye, Northrop The great code
- Frye, Northrop The great code
- Frye, Northrop The modern cent
- Frye, Northrop The myth of del
- Frye, Northrop The myth of del
- Frye, Northrop The Northrop Fr
- Frye, Northrop The practical i
- Frye, Northrop The return of E
- Frye, Northrop The secular scr
- Frye, Northrop The secular scr
- Frye, Northrop The social auth
- Frye, Northrop The stubborn st
- Frye, Northrop The stubborn st
- Frye, Northrop The stubborn st
- Frye, Northrop The well-temper
- Frye, Northrop Words with powe
- Houppert, Joseph W. John Henry
- Joint Committee of the Toronto
- Northrop Frye newsletter
- Paley, Morton D. The apocalypt
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-161
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-161
- Slote, Bernice Myth and symbol
- Some British romantics
- The Harper handbook to literat
- The Practical imagination
- The Practical imagination