The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service

Load Report

2024-06-10 00:10:27
2024-06-10 00:50:42
Run type
Job Type
every other day
Wikidata. New: 138, Unlink: 0, Change: 6, Label Change: 42
New Wiki Links
Wiki Unlinks
Wiki Link Changes
Wiki Label Changes

Bad LCCNs on Wikidata

Q6398654 LCCN: 18913818
Q55700094 LCCN: 8437546
Q125219787 LCCN: httpsidlocgovresourcesworks14325279html
Q126374426 LCCN: sn99060611
Q126393219 LCCN: sn88063497

Log Details

Action Lccn Old Q New Q Labels
partialUnlink n78082879  Q90165537  Q2669359 
partialUnlink n83227181  Q18024344  Q126464822 
partialUnlink n81018825  Q35827  Q210551 
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"Museo do Pobo Galego""Museum of the Galician People"
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"Harvey Oliver Brooks""Harvey Brooks"
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"Islam and cats""cats in Islam"
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"Mianhu (China)""Mianhu Town"
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"annual report""Q2463686"
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"Sophie Bledsoe Aberle""Sophie Aberle"
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"Oleksandr Myched""Oleksandr Mykhed"
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"Herman Bouchery""Herman F. Bouchery"
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"Georges Arabatzis""Gi\u014drgos Arampatz\u0113s"
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"Ana Maria Medeiros da Fonseca""Ana Maria Fonseca"
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"Ieuan Gwyllt""John Roberts"
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"Conoco Inc.""Conoco"
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"Kost\u02b9 Stepanovi\u010d Burev\u00ecj""Kost Burevii"
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"history of pest""history of Budapest"
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"Medica mondiale""Medica Mondiale"
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"Meta""Meta Platforms"
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"Reiffenberg, Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric, baron de""Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric de Reiffenberg"
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"God of War III Game Download""God of War III"
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"Water in Islam""water in Islam"
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"Consello da Cultura Galega""Council on Galician Culture"
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"Van der Waals force""Van der Waals' force"
labelChange n84195083  Q115898215 
"Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco for Royaume""Academy of the Kingdom of for Royaume"
labelChange sh85068742  Q875556 

Stats History

New Unlink Changes Label Changes
2024-06-10 138 0 6 42
2024-06-09 250 0 17 70
2024-06-07 301 8 24 78
2024-06-05 270 7 18 83
2024-06-03 116 1 5 29
2024-06-02 293 3 21 69
2024-05-31 274 11 19 81
2024-05-29 276 10 23 68
2024-05-27 104 2 8 34
2024-05-26 164 4 31 83
2024-05-24 261 3 24 97
2024-05-22 325 9 25 74
2024-05-20 153 5 3 51
2024-05-19 279 16 16 80
2024-05-17 449 5 18 75
2024-05-15 353 5 26 98
2024-05-13 111 2 13 36
2024-05-12 577 5 22 90
2024-05-10 1058 3 17 74
2024-05-08 393 3 17 75
2024-05-06 121 3 14 32
2024-05-05 261 2 32 56
2024-05-03 362 5 37 82
2024-05-01 381 2 28 88
2024-04-29 129 1 3 77
2024-04-28 296 1 31 227
2024-04-26 369 5 27 71
2024-04-24 348 3 27 74
2024-04-22 208 2 19 55
2024-04-21 352 5 21 67
2024-04-19 388 7 51 92
2024-04-17 550 7 33 74
2024-04-15 108 2 8 42
2024-04-14 403 4 31 74
2024-04-12 499 8 18 79
2024-04-10 434 15 23 86
2024-04-08 140 2 13 46
2024-04-07 328 3 19 160
2024-04-05 957 13 25 93
2024-04-03 610 12 24 75
2024-04-01 231 3 19 27
2024-03-31 631 6 28 67
2024-03-29 309 6 64 81
2024-03-27 395 5 66 83
2024-03-25 139 3 37 33
2024-03-24 307 3 58 70
2024-03-22 353 3 38 84
2024-03-20 382 9 37 85
2024-03-18 135 2 19 37
2024-03-17 887 2 19 82
2024-03-15 693 4 35 114
2024-03-13 305 5 36 75
2024-03-11 99 4 5 44
2024-03-10 315 4 15 89
2024-03-08 490 3 42 98
2024-03-06 549 52 31 85
2024-03-04 177 3 34 38
2024-03-03 358 3 52 107
2024-03-01 405 8 50 89
2024-02-28 718 7 33 81
2024-02-26 341 1 9 35
2024-02-25 419 7 28 60
2024-02-23 354 2 27 101
2024-02-21 471 2 52 74
2024-02-19 130 0 15 30
2024-02-18 339 1 22 87
2024-02-16 304 4 50 103
2024-02-14 370 3 49 97
2024-02-12 231 0 15 46
2024-02-11 310 3 52 77
2024-02-09 300 1 50 82
2024-02-07 432 2 37 85
2024-02-05 194 0 22 40
2024-02-04 532 4 52 73
2024-02-02 364 5 42 87
2024-01-31 467 5 29 78
2024-01-29 157 6 34 46
2024-01-28 424 5 44 70
2024-01-24 571 5 33 73
2024-01-22 107 3 24 73
2024-01-21 487 4 63 167
2024-01-17 334 7 27 108
2024-01-15 131 2 16 35
2024-01-14 221 4 21 72
2024-01-12 466 6 29 71
2024-01-10 273 9 14 63
2024-01-08 128 3 12 61
2024-01-07 348 1 24 107
2024-01-05 373 2 15 86
2024-01-03 321 5 21 68
2024-01-01 100 0 10 37
2023-12-31 237 3 22 72
2023-12-29 236 5 12 67
2023-12-27 217 3 12 50
2023-12-25 93 3 17 75
2023-12-24 228 1 16 97
2023-12-22 278 2 22 65
2023-12-20 289 2 19 117
2023-12-18 114 1 4 34
2023-12-17 236 2 15 112
2023-12-15 292 3 18 66
2023-12-13 316 2 6 76
2023-12-11 136 1 12 33
2023-12-10 301 2 24 98
2023-12-08 271 1 10 82
2023-12-06 312 3 8 212
2023-12-04 135 0 10 31
2023-12-03 248 4 14 74
2023-12-01 300 7 6 67
2023-11-29 261 6 9 96
2023-11-27 112 2 19 42
2023-11-26 221 2 12 78
2023-11-24 215 1 7 65
2023-11-22 407 5 19 83
2023-11-20 156 5 7 57
2023-11-19 255 5 22 80
2023-11-17 328 3 20 77
2023-11-15 340 4 14 81
2023-11-13 161 2 9 36
2023-11-12 251 3 12 77
2023-11-10 340 4 29 81
2023-11-08 275 3 18 83
2023-11-06 102 2 14 55
2023-11-05 242 3 15 115
2023-11-03 383 5 19 77
2023-11-01 489 7 20 80
2023-10-30 152 2 10 36
2023-10-29 437 6 12 87
2023-10-27 262 3 28 101
2023-10-25 360 3 24 88
2023-10-23 127 2 10 45
2023-10-22 333 6 16 80
2023-10-20 264 9 27 100
2023-10-18 261 5 22 66
2023-10-16 176 4 14 26
2023-10-15 282 3 16 73
2023-10-13 340 4 34 107
2023-10-11 298 3 25 93
2023-10-09 100 7 27 42
2023-10-08 276 4 26 66
2023-10-06 320 3 17 74
2023-10-04 277 5 22 86
2023-10-02 136 0 12 47
2023-10-01 222 5 23 119
2023-09-29 348 3 28 84
2023-09-27 335 3 12 118
2023-09-25 144 1 6 56
2023-09-24 255 4 21 78
2023-09-22 319 3 25 110
2023-09-20 261 7 11 74
2023-09-18 172 1 7 352
2023-09-17 345 5 20 93
2023-09-15 369 1 10 83
2023-09-13 298 6 8 92
2023-09-11 112 1 6 40
2023-09-10 196 2 14 70
2023-09-08 218 2 10 70
2023-09-06 229 1 15 95
2023-09-04 91 0 3 40
2023-09-03 225 4 20 188
2023-09-01 299 3 20 76
2023-08-30 317 6 19 76
2023-08-28 173 5 31 44
2023-08-27 340 4 16 76
2023-08-25 405 6 28 79
2023-08-23 365 5 28 90
2023-08-21 152 3 16 48
2023-08-20 439 8 21 89
2023-08-18 335 10 31 102
2023-08-16 470 5 28 121
2023-08-14 137 3 21 52
2023-08-13 217 5 32 85
2023-08-11 348 7 28 118
2023-08-09 305 4 18 77
2023-08-07 150 3 6 35
2023-08-06 282 5 18 75
2023-08-04 405 3 13 66
2023-08-02 379 2 21 301
2023-07-31 348 2 10 26
2023-07-30 297 3 17 85
2023-07-28 339 3 23 88
2023-07-26 343 4 25 87
2023-07-24 97 4 7 40
2023-07-23 188 3 17 79
2023-07-21 389 3 34 85
2023-07-19 354 1 27 100
2023-07-17 173 1 9 21
2023-07-16 223 5 20 92
2023-07-14 571 3 24 69
2023-07-12 353 4 30 94
2023-07-10 103 1 28 41
2023-07-09 271 1 18 91
2023-07-07 287 6 28 76
2023-07-05 245 4 19 112
2023-07-03 94 1 19 62
2023-07-02 217 2 21 118
2023-06-30 355 6 31 70
2023-06-28 352 5 24 84
2023-06-26 87 2 3 35
2023-06-25 204 0 14 78
2023-06-23 248 3 28 67
2023-06-21 250 10 51 101
2023-06-19 112 5 13 31
2023-06-18 392 12 61 236
2023-06-16 355 17 52 112
2023-06-14 369 12 55 111
2023-06-12 198 6 35 306
2023-06-11 423 3 23 63
2023-06-09 513 4 43 100
2023-06-07 463 8 37 89
2023-06-05 149 5 10 50
2023-06-04 497 8 61 2015
2023-06-02 4506 11 24 93
2023-05-31 516 3 30 93
2023-05-29 178 6 12 35
2023-05-28 277 3 13 62
2023-05-26 420 3 21 57
2023-05-24 461 2 19 98
2023-05-22 234 4 9 39
2023-05-21 343 1 26 76
2023-05-19 367 7 30 82
2023-05-17 441 4 27 79
2023-05-15 174 27 30 71
2023-05-14 385 10 19 104
2023-05-12 455 5 23 162
2023-05-10 400 1 18 86
2023-05-08 191 3 12 29
2023-05-07 335 6 31 130
2023-05-05 481 16 40 74
2023-05-03 537 2 20 111
2023-05-01 208 4 19 46
2023-04-30 387 11 29 66
2023-04-28 345 5 24 63
2023-04-26 448 28 59 106
2023-04-24 204 3 6 50
2023-04-23 448 6 30 85
2023-04-21 534 4 18 121
2023-04-19 505 11 26 75
2023-04-17 301 2 20 40
2023-04-16 585 10 10 71
2023-04-14 794 2 13 78
2023-04-12 524 8 24 95
2023-04-10 212 2 7 37
2023-04-09 506 4 13 52
2023-04-07 590 3 24 63
2023-04-05 626 8 21 71
2023-03-31 621 7 106 78
2023-03-29 620 9 29 82
2023-03-27 280 4 13 46
2023-03-26 671 11 25 80
2023-03-24 561 5 14 88
2023-03-22 660 2 17 79
2023-03-20 263 5 7 36
2023-03-19 632 6 15 85
2023-03-17 632 1 23 107
2023-03-15 768 5 28 144
2023-03-13 287 11 21 42
2023-03-12 556 11 33 67
2023-03-10 772 8 38 100
2023-03-08 741 3 31 74
2023-03-06 318 6 13 45
2023-03-05 755 7 45 92
2023-03-03 720 47 28 59
2023-03-01 816 6 23 68
2023-02-27 360 3 12 44
2023-02-26 656 13 16 111
2023-02-24 795 6 21 80
2023-02-22 648 5 24 77
2023-02-20 323 3 4 38
2023-02-19 774 5 20 63
2023-02-17 728 7 19 94
2023-02-15 597 0 17 90
2023-02-13 413 4 8 58
2023-02-12 746 5 19 82
2023-02-10 672 9 13 97
2023-02-08 740 1 19 78
2023-02-06 315 5 13 37
2023-02-05 735 8 16 97
2023-02-03 749 3 16 97
2023-02-01 831 11 35 89
2023-01-30 144 6 45 50
2023-01-29 237 7 22 61
2023-01-27 298 5 11 64
2023-01-25 278 4 17 88
2023-01-23 128 5 7 55
2023-01-22 295 9 17 77
2023-01-20 332 12 30 76
2023-01-18 573 19 52 200
2023-01-16 138 5 14 55
2023-01-15 379 7 17 100
2023-01-13 392 15 28 81
2023-01-11 395 5 85 91
2023-01-09 165 3 11 36
2023-01-08 362 7 24 84
2023-01-06 391 10 12 89
2023-01-04 330 13 32 84
2023-01-02 119 3 22 28
2023-01-01 339 8 34 109
2022-12-30 319 4 10 86
2022-12-28 267 3 19 66
2022-12-26 118 3 13 35
2022-12-25 570 12 19 126
2022-12-23 414 11 13 93
2022-12-21 536 7 27 105
2022-12-19 159 6 17 51
2022-12-18 454 22 35 123
2022-12-16 356 13 14 75
2022-12-14 404 6 19 94
2022-12-12 146 2 7 41
2022-12-11 316 17 16 82
2022-12-09 297 6 25 96
2022-12-07 416 6 27 254
2022-12-05 328 3 4 41
2022-12-04 811 6 39 90
2022-12-02 762 6 18 96
2022-11-30 737 7 30 91
2022-11-28 371 5 14 52
2022-11-27 626 3 31 96
2022-11-25 652 5 30 140
2022-11-23 781 14 19 88
2022-11-21 426 1 9 46
2022-11-20 555 7 29 79
2022-11-18 296 9 24 108
2022-11-16 270 6 21 72
2022-11-14 145 3 21 39
2022-11-13 276 7 105 73
2022-11-11 261 14 85 71
2022-11-09 1449 11 56 111
2022-11-07 848 1 13 64
2022-11-06 242 6 22 85
2022-11-04 275 1 20 77
2022-11-02 340 3 56 145
2022-10-31 177 12 37 168
2022-10-30 254 2 23 80
2022-10-28 312 4 11 89
2022-10-26 313 4 38 110
2022-10-24 157 0 6 44
2022-10-23 717 8 45 91
2022-10-21 4317 6 29 85
2022-10-19 2335 7 21 160
2022-10-17 435 3 9 50
2022-10-16 1001 6 16 97
2022-10-14 895 2 12 110
2022-10-12 1114 1 13 126
2022-10-10 241 2 6 38
2022-10-09 332 2 17 61
2022-10-07 760 8 15 81
2022-10-05 983 4 14 90
2022-10-03 419 0 5 40
2022-10-02 924 3 27 78
2022-09-30 1011 2 9 62
2022-09-28 1223 9 15 86
2022-09-26 555 6 8 42
2022-09-25 943 5 22 61
2022-09-23 2304 5 36 87
2022-09-21 1089 10 83 132
2022-09-19 433 7 39 53
2022-09-18 1071 7 36 140
2022-09-16 1132 8 50 92
2022-09-14 1271 7 54 111
2022-09-12 543 5 29 38
2022-09-11 1385 7 54 93
2022-09-09 6347 9 36 87
2022-09-07 2232 12 38 99
2022-09-05 462 3 73 51
2022-09-04 794 5 51 68
2022-09-02 715 7 217 113
2022-08-31 301 7 48 75
2022-08-29 136 7 43 50
2022-08-28 342 14 71 93
2022-08-26 470 7 44 71
2022-08-24 1014 14 76 88
2022-08-22 510 7 37 41
2022-08-21 1131 21 86 99
2022-08-19 2555 11 45 81
2022-08-17 1322 2 24 81
2022-08-15 615 4 17 44
2022-08-14 1314 2 11 94
2022-08-12 1295 1 37 63
2022-08-10 1332 4 35 63
2022-08-08 774 7 22 27
2022-08-07 1887 8 31 74
2022-08-05 2553 8 52 84
2022-08-03 1290 8 35 87
2022-08-01 545 5 22 46
2022-07-31 5760 7 42 85
2022-07-29 4442 8 45 90
2022-07-27 871 84 23 84
2022-07-25 238 1 9 61
2022-07-24 335 3 21 59
2022-07-22 506 2 13 120
2022-07-20 415 5 13 98
2022-07-18 173 3 7 47
2022-07-17 377 2 12 68
2022-07-15 375 1 40 108
2022-07-13 351 2 21 84
2022-07-11 183 2 10 35
2022-07-10 323 2 25 69
2022-07-08 402 3 22 85
2022-07-06 327 1 18 116
2022-07-04 268 1 4 47
2022-07-03 590 10 11 78
2022-07-01 413 1 12 75
2022-06-29 459 1 24 86
2022-06-27 255 0 18 51
2022-06-26 570 0 20 85
2022-06-24 455 9 24 118
2022-06-22 579 4 25 124
2022-06-20 166 2 1 36
2022-06-19 321 5 8 106
2022-06-17 391 4 18 102
2022-06-15 343 2 14 79
2022-06-13 310 0 9 24
2022-06-12 342 4 7 294
2022-06-10 309 2 16 82
2022-06-08 323 3 20 73
2022-06-06 146 1 11 39
2022-06-05 624 11 25 139
2022-06-01 301 4 11 72
2022-05-30 171 1 3 41
2022-05-29 351 4 46 79
2022-05-27 246 9 34 79
2022-05-25 308 3 6 91
2022-05-23 128 1 2 55
2022-05-22 257 2 13 105
2022-05-20 334 4 20 95
2022-05-18 355 16 26 107
2022-05-16 139 4 9 40
2022-05-15 416 7 13 79
2022-05-13 373 3 15 92
2022-05-11 300 2 22 85
2022-05-09 202 5 3 59
2022-05-08 301 8 22 82
2022-05-06 395 8 30 88
2022-05-04 280 5 29 66
2022-05-02 142 1 12 33
2022-05-01 350 5 15 73
2022-04-29 530 9 16 110
2022-04-27 433 17 36 86
2022-04-25 157 1 6 48
2022-04-24 416 5 17 87
2022-04-22 443 5 15 65
2022-04-20 405 9 14 66
2022-04-18 134 6 8 39
2022-04-17 343 8 15 89
2022-04-15 399 3 13 79
2022-04-13 337 4 10 63
2022-04-11 137 1 8 49
2022-04-10 496 7 19 63
2022-04-08 400 2 15 86
2022-04-06 451 4 22 71
2022-04-04 304 3 2 43
2022-04-03 408 5 11 74
2022-04-01 426 3 18 77
2022-03-30 556 8 8 93
2022-03-28 142 3 6 50
2022-03-27 395 7 25 69
2022-03-25 497 4 10 77
2022-03-23 362 5 9 73
2022-03-21 131 6 6 36
2022-03-20 361 3 9 64
2022-03-18 330 5 12 88
2022-03-16 310 7 20 81
2022-03-14 146 1 9 48
2022-03-13 249 4 17 92
2022-03-11 338 9 16 66
2022-03-09 418 7 9 89
2022-03-07 196 2 11 30
2022-03-06 345 10 24 98
2022-03-04 352 39 29 78
2022-03-02 284 3 21 66
2022-02-28 635 0 18 64
2022-02-27 326 6 22 126
2022-02-25 290 4 24 80
2022-02-23 287 4 27 74
2022-02-21 164 4 15 65
2022-02-20 310 3 36 109
2022-02-18 303 6 22 89
2022-02-16 405 7 38 77
2022-02-14 165 3 16 50
2022-02-13 244 3 25 63
2022-02-11 327 9 29 65
2022-02-09 344 5 14 87
2022-02-07 107 3 10 34
2022-02-06 279 8 20 61
2022-02-04 293 5 11 77
2022-02-02 302 5 34 98
2022-01-31 148 3 15 44
2022-01-30 354 7 47 92
2022-01-28 436 14 46 102
2022-01-26 302 13 30 109
2022-01-24 187 2 11 60
2022-01-23 430 3 15 100
2022-01-21 476 4 15 91
2022-01-19 472 8 21 90
2022-01-17 258 4 13 63
2022-01-16 388 8 26 92
2022-01-14 357 1 17 107
2022-01-12 420 6 21 97
2022-01-10 169 3 10 51
2022-01-09 318 8 18 103
2022-01-07 350 4 13 83
2022-01-05 398 5 19 89
2022-01-03 139 1 8 49
2022-01-02 356 5 12 83
2021-12-31 389 8 22 77
2021-12-29 429 3 11 74
2021-12-27 130 5 6 30
2021-12-26 261 11 19 72
2021-12-24 316 3 23 76
2021-12-22 1873 8 19 65
2021-12-20 116 1 9 29
2021-12-19 646 4 19 117
2021-12-17 698 5 11 97
2021-12-15 4701 3 11 86
2021-12-13 137 3 5 47
2021-12-12 575 3 18 88
2021-12-10 401 7 12 359
2021-12-08 309 5 30 86
2021-12-06 140 7 10 47
2021-12-05 274 10 18 95
2021-12-03 3257 6 44 135
2021-12-01 927 8 9 94
2021-11-29 157 2 21 36
2021-11-28 253 3 12 74
2021-11-26 264 6 9 78
2021-11-24 311 19 30 91
2021-11-22 174 4 11 81
2021-11-21 338 8 14 93
2021-11-19 404 14 17 121
2021-11-17 385 13 18 125
2021-11-15 156 6 3 51
2021-11-14 589 13 22 99
2021-11-12 351 4 18 94
2021-11-10 547 9 16 92
2021-11-08 160 6 4 46
2021-11-07 324 5 12 67
2021-11-05 380 9 18 82
2021-11-03 507 6 8 133
2021-11-01 144 3 57 37
2021-10-31 387 5 36 76
2021-10-29 424 7 26 68
2021-10-27 395 8 8 67
2021-10-25 163 3 24 25
2021-10-24 500 8 11 97
2021-10-22 379 3 13 93
2021-10-20 530 5 17 95
2021-10-18 246 3 8 48
2021-10-17 344 19 14 68
2021-10-15 3903 63 127 754
2021-09-29 566 9 14 205
2021-09-26 415 12 16 85
2021-09-24 564 17 17 110
2021-09-22 362 17 12 115
2021-09-20 314 7 5 59
2021-09-19 552 20 18 106
2021-09-17 388 14 10 146
2021-09-15 353 12 16 123
2021-09-13 261 12 13 52
2021-09-12 415 16 12 126
2021-09-10 261 14 19 79
2021-09-08 262 11 15 94
2021-09-06 158 27 6 55
2021-09-05 246 16 10 64
2021-09-03 347 20 11 92
2021-09-01 325 6 9 94
2021-08-30 169 15 6 40
2021-08-29 376 21 19 128
2021-08-27 342 36 16 122
2021-08-25 333 10 14 82
2021-08-23 168 39 6 38
2021-08-22 287 14 14 63
2021-08-20 283 18 15 78
2021-08-18 354 25 11 60
2021-08-16 136 9 5 88
2021-08-15 70306 1294 3162 12664